Episode 24: No mercy for those who attack ~ B

At the moment, when his punch made contact with the metallic boulder a heavy Bang was produced!

Due to sheer pressure, the metallic boulder that acted as a gate to the tunnel started to crack. Spider-web like crack extended from the point of impact and spread all over the metallic boulder.

The moment Feng started destroying the boulder, Arnold felt a shiver in his body. Taking his kids, he scampered back to the garden and buried himself the three-colored leaves.

"He buried himself in the leaves. Wasn't leader joking about this?" The others, who still hadn't followed Feng command, laughed. Feng heard what they said, giving them a serious look that said, if you wanna live then burry yourself alive like Arnold, he said, "Well, if you have the time to laugh at him, you surely can withstand being burned alive. And if you don't want that to happen, hurry yourselves inside the leaves. I am not joking, your lives will be endangered."