Episode 25: Ending the Gangs~(

The blood river extended dozens of kilometers. That made Feng wide eyes.

Walking this distance will take hours if not a day, that too if they kept on walking without a stop. It will take a while to cross this if they simply sprinted if they ran it will take some hours to cover this distance.

But naturally, Feng didn't want to waste any more time, and since he had unlimited access to the resource called blood, he decided to not be generous with it, at all.

Glancing behind with narrowed eyes filled with shrewd thought, he demanded an answer that made the brows of the mortal and robot arch in response.

"State your show size!" That's what Feng said.

For a while, no one replied as if they didn't hear anything. After all, why would Feng be interested in their shoe size?

It was only Feng said "Hurry up" did the mortal and robot understood that he was inquiring the size of their shoe, one by one they replied honestly.