Episode 26: Evil takes over~A

Some days ago, he had visited the Truth Realm of Elder Bai. At that time, Jaaun was the owner of Jokers' boundary. By the time he left, that place has already swapped hands (owners).

A very insidious soul-devouring creature had devoured the defenseless Jaaun body and soul. Right after he left, Elder Bai has handed over the Joker boundary that has upgraded into the Hall of Torment realm to him.

Until now, he didn't use the power of this Truth realm because there was no need to. The zombies easily died under his Blood Grand Magic, and nothing managed to threaten him in this world but the Soul-devouring creature that is in possession of different Divine sources has given rise to a change of thought.

"It is about time for me to step out of my comfort zone." He murmured. He wanted ownership over the divine sources that the Soul-devouring creature was utilizing to create the zombie armies. The reason can only be explained with a lengthy paragraph.