Episode 27: Existence from the death realm!

In the universe tongue, it would be called the underworld!

Feng didn't know whether it was a single being or a lot of them. It is because all of them had the same aura of the underworld.

He kept on looking at the ceiling and no acknowledgment came.

The entire ceiling of this building had the aura of the underworld.

It seems to him that either a demon has descended on this world, or maybe... Just maybe, there are officials from the underworld hiding above or in the ceilings.

The duties of the officials are to retain an equilibrium between the physical realm and the afterlife realm.

Feng muttered, "If they are really officials of the Underworld then this ending of the apocalypse will just get easier!"

He then started to look around the ceilings, looking as though he was searching for something. He was trying to communicate with whatever was up there.