Chapter 20



Half an hour before the fire.

In the peaceful night, Olive was sleeping beside Lora.

Flora was quietly reading the book of clock.

A highlighted line caught her attention. She read it out on her mind,

        「In order to survive, Time traverler

    will be gifted with a supernatural


L, "(Power? I wonder what's mine.)"

She reads out more,


  「For example, The abbilities are  mostly





L, "(Woah, That's cool. Change of appeareance is the best one. Being Fast isn't bad eighter.Guess I'll find mine soon.)"

.. .........   ....    BOOM   .... ..... ..... .....

The ground moved at once.

It was quiet for few seconds.

Suddenly, All the villagers starts screaming and shouting. Running here from there.

Lora looked outside the window. Almost all of the houses and cottages were on fire.

A center of the ground has turned in to a big hole. Probably because of the bomb.

People were rushing to get out of the houses. It turned in to a big scene.

Olive woke up, "Ora! What's going on!"

L, "I dont know. Let's get out of here."

Both ran outside their house. In the roads, Villagers were screaming and running. As if they know that their houses are the next target.

Olive saw her close neighbour friend on the ground. She tries to run at her but Lora stops,

L, "Olive stop! We cant make any sudden moves!"

O, "what...

Where's brother Ren!?!"

🔥🔥❌❌ BOOM 🔥🔥❌❌

They heard another explosion just beside them. The bombs are getting closer to Their house.

Ren came running, "Ora!"

L, "Ren! where were you!?! What's going on?!?"

R, "A kingdom is attacking us.

Take Olive and stand somewhere safe!",

He moved a few steps, Lora pulls back his hand,

"Where you going!?!"

Ren walks closer.

Holds her tightly,

"I need to save the others.

Keep her safe.

....I trust you."

Lora was speechless. She stares at him until he dissappears.

O, "Ora! what should we do?"

The villagers were running all around the roads. The scream were so loud that She couldnt think of anything.

Lora pulls Olive in a corner.There were more children and old people standing.

L, "I want you to stay here. Dont move-"

O,"Stay with me. Dont put yourself out there. Explotion can happen anywhere."

L, "I need to make sure everyone is safe.

Trust me, I'll come back with your brother safely."

Olive nods. Her eyes were teary. She gently holds a child beside her.

Lora forces a smile at them to calm them down.

She runs at the crowd.

Houses were burning all over the roads.

⚡The other way⚡

Colt and Rao rode their horses to the village.

The situation was same as the timing with Lora's.

Villagers were screaming out for help.

R, "Colt, We need to split up and save them. You take that way. Let's make sure everyone is safe. Then we can look for the one who created this mess."

Colt nods and ran to the other side.

Rao kept running infront of houses.

Asking if everyone is safe, from one place to another.

⚡The other way⚡

Lora walked all over the burning village,looking for Ren.

When she finally found him,

L, "Ren!"

Ren looks back.

He was furious,

"Why are you here?!?

I told you to stand somewhere safe!

Go back! Anything can happen here!"

L, "Listen to me! I can help the villagers.

Please take me with you."

R, "I dont wanna hurt you. Go back-"

L, "I promised her,that I'll bring you back safely. Dont send me away. I can help."

R, "…"

They heard another blast from the other side. All turned around at the explosion.

L, "Please-"

R, "Fine.

Let's get everyone out of their houses first. We cant tell which one is next. Keep them away from the not exploted ones."

Lora nods and runs at the other side.

From the other way of the road,

Rao was running toward that side

Both were running in their rush and busy mind.

They passed by each other.

Everything went silent.

Both stopped at once,

In the opposite side,

Facing backwards.

For a second, Everthing else dissappeared.

All they could hear was,  Their heartbeats.

Unexpectedly, Beating fast as lightning.

They stopped and stood like that for a second.

Knowing that someone on the other side,

Is the person they've been looking for all this time,

None of them had enough courage to look back,

R, "(What's happening to me_﹉_﹉_﹉)"

L, "(This so familliar...)"

Both turned around in a speed of light.

The hood Lora wore fell off her head,

The winds flows while blowing their cloth and hair.

R,                                                        L,

"(L....o...Lora...?)"                         "(Leo...?)"

             🔥🔥❌❌ BOOM 🔥🔥❌❌

They heard another explosion right infront of them.

Lora took the chance and ran away from the scene.

Rao noticed her escaping,

"No- Wait!


"(What am i doing....

Having illusion in this situation...

I should save the villagers.)"

He turns around and runs toward the recent exploted house.

There was a small crowd infront of it.

A woman was screaming and shouting,



From the crossed side,

Both Rao and Lora was in shock. They started thinking of how to save that child.

He was crying from the window, "mommy~

help! it's hot in here!"

Lora couldnt waste a second. Without hesitating a bit, She ran in.

Everyone standing outside was shocked.

Rao tries to follow but a broken wood falls and covers the entry door.

"They'll never make it out."

"They're stuck inside."

"Someone help."

Lora somehow managed to enter and escape the less burned places. She kept skeeping her steps and walked upstairs.

There was a big burning wood on the door.

The boy was still beside the window, crying.

He saw Lora. A slight hope of living came across his face.

L, "you need to pass the wood. You can do it."

B, "But...sis...It's burning..."

L, "It's okay. It cant hurt you.

Just jump over it."

B, "I cant do's scary..."

L, "(The fire is spreading. What should i do)"

Suddenly, Flora's finger touched the wood.

She quickly moves away.

But something was strange about it.

In curiousity, She touched it again.

This time, She slowly tries to pick it up.

An unexpected situation,

The wood was light as paper to her.

She was shocked. Then, something bumps her thoughts, "(My...supernatural power?)"

Showing a smile, Lora carries all the heavy woods away from the doors. Cause it was nothing to her.

The boy was delighted. He ran to Lora's arms.

L, "(I need to get out of here quickly.)"

Lora runs back at the stairs with the child in her arms. She easily crossed the stair's crisis. Then, The outdoor appears.

They were about to walk outside,

Suddenly, a big wood fell from the roof.

The child closes his eyes and wraps himself around Lora.

She stooped it from falling on their bodies.

They made it out.

The child ran to his mother.She starts thanking Lora.

The burning gas was all over the house.

She started having problems in breathing.

*cough*  *cough*

Ren cuts the crowd and walks toward Ora.

He gently covers her with a blanket and took her out of the crowd.

R, "You saved him. It...was a brave did out there."

L, "(...A few minutes ago...I thought I saw him.

Was it my illusion..?)"

R, "Ora!"            L, "yea,"

R, "You okay...?"      L, *nods*

Rao found out that a woman saved the child. He kept wandered around thinking who could it be. He suddenly saw Ren.

As an old enemy/friend, It was normal to talk in such situations. He walks a few steps toward Ren. Then he noticed the other person beside him.

R, "(How is it possible...!

I thought....It was my illusions...Was it really her?...

The girl I've been dreaming of, Not knowing who she is. Who knew we would meet like this. But, I serached all over the village for her. Why would she suddenly appear now?

Ren looks close with her. Are they related?)"

Rao reached out to them and stood infront of Lora.

She slowly looks up,


How is it possible!?!)"

Ren bows, "Prince Rao!"

R, "What happened here?",,

He was shuttering in his words cause of Lora's stare. It was pretty unbelievable to him that, someone who he dreamed of for months, Has suddenly appeared.

Ren, "I cant tell. Before the explosion I noticed some black-hood strangers walking all around the roads. Then the explosion started happening."

Lora was lost in her own thought, "(What am i thinking. Everyone exists in this life time. Why am i so shocked to see him.

It's normal right... I should act natural...)"

R, "As an half royal, I give you responsibillity to protect the injured and helpless villagers. Dont dissappoint me."

Ren, "Yes, Your highness."

At last, Rao gathered courage and took a glance at Lora.

R, "I praise for your bravery out there. Thanks for saving...his life.."

She quietly nods. Cause any words that comes out from her mouth would shatter.

"(I missed him so much. But I should also remember that He's not Leo. Just the same.)"

R, "You dont here..."

Ren didnt want Rao to feel suspicious toward Lora. He also couldnt ask about her kingdom.

Ren, "She' relative. From far away."

R, "...i see."

The awkwardness started flowing through the wind.

Colt came running at Rao,

"Rao! I've been looking all over for you."

R, "What happened? Anything about the ecplosions?"

C, "I somehow followed one of them. They were headed to the palace."

R, "The palace? It means-"

C, "Something's wrong. We should go back now."

Rao nods at Colt with his fierce eyes.

When they were walking back, Rao took a last look at Lora.

("Looks like...I'll lose her again...

since Ren is related,

I can hope for out next meet.")

Both sat on their horses and rode back at the palace road.

On the way,

R, "Cant you tell apart their kingdom?"

C, "They had few red strings on their black hoods."

R, "Red and black...?"

"What's waiting for them at the castle?"