
Chapter 9

"So let me get this straight, you want to go along with elder Chi to the Rising Sun Sect's celebration," Ling Jian says while looking directly in the eyes of Yuki. All three of them are present in the throne room, Ling Jian is seated on the throne while Yuki and elder Chi are standing in front of her.

"correct" Yuki smiles and answers in a relaxed manner, while elder Chi just remains quiet.

"And why do you want to go there?" she enquires

Yuki puts her hand over elder Chi's head and starts patting "Well, I heard from little Chi that there is some sect who is having a celebration and little Chi is going, so I felt like going"

Ling Jian was surprised with her answer but she was even more surprised with what she was seeing. When she saw Yuki putting her hand over elder Chi's head, she was sure Elder chi will get angry but contrary to her expectations, Elder Chi didn't get angry.

'Has something happened to elder sister Chi? Since when did she start allowing others to pat her head? I want to try patting her head too'

Ling Jian was gawking at elder Chi and when elder Chi felt Ling Jian's eyes' over her, she instantly became embarrassed and moved her head away from Yuki's hand. Her entire face had gotten red.

"Cough, cough, is some..something the matter, sect master?" elder Chi meekly asks. It is a strange contrast to her usual unfazed behavior.

"No, it's nothing" Ling Jian decides to let it go for now. 'I'll investigate it later' Ling Jian makes up her mind to get to the bottom of this.

"That's enough of a reason, right," Yuki interjects

"Enough of a reason your head. What kind of reason is that?" Ling Jian is fuming. It is partly because she is angry with her response and partly because she's envious of Yuki who gets to pat elder Chi's head.

"No need to blow your fuse, Little Ling," Yuki says

Hearing Yuki call her little Ling has made Ling Jian even more annoyed, but she decides to remain calm as she remembers that she is still not in the Heaven realm.

'Wait till I get in the heavenly realm'

Ling Jian turns towards elder Chi and asks "are you fine with it, elder sister Chi?"

"Yes," elder Chi immediately answers.

"See, little chi is fine with it as well" Yuki smilingly says

Ling Jian sighs and says "If elder sister Chi is fine with it, I can consider it. I will discuss it with the vice sect master and let you know soon" Elder Chi shows a blooming smile which is too adorable. Ling Jian agreed to consider it easy because she herself was worried about elder Chi going to the Rising Sun Sect. But for some reason, the idea of Yuki goes along with her brings her heart to ease.

"Now that's more like it, little Ling" Yuki says

Ling Jian shows a beautiful smile, which is enough to sway anyone's mind, but her eyes are throwing daggers at Yuki. But Yuki is unfazed with her glaring, if anything, she likes Ling Jian expressing her emotions.

"One more thing, I need some clothes," Yuki suddenly remembers something and says

"You don't have any clothes?" Ling Jian says

"Unfortunately, I don't. This is the only one I have" Yuki says while pointing to her clothes.

"El...elder si..sister, You could get some sect clothes from the clothing department," elder Chi meekly suggests while stammering and getting embarrassed on the elder sister part. Though elder Chi looks like a 14-year-old girl, she is in her thirties. And as such it can't really be blamed on her, calling someone who is younger than herself elder sister would make anyone embarrassed.

'Why is elder sister Chi calling her elder sister Yuki? what is going on? I have to find about this later' Ling Jian is perplexed over her strange behavior.

"That is a good suggestion little Chi, I should go to the clothing department" Yuki smiles and adds "could you show me the way?"


Ling Jian breaks from her internal shock over elder Chi's strange behavior and interjects "Wait, you can't go there"

"Why can't I go there?" Yuki asks

Ling Jian explains "If you were a regular disciple of the sect, It would've been fine. But you are an ancestor of this sect though I have my doubts on that." She also adds "And no one knows about your existence either"

"Isn't that even better? Since not many people know about me, it'd be easy for me to go there." Yuki replies

Ling Jian makes a dumbfounded expression, then the very next moment she points a finger at Yuki and annoyingly says "Are you an idiot? Have you ever seen yourself in the mirror? If you walk around the sect, you'll become the center of attention"

Yuki makes an ahh sound like she didn't even think about it, which annoys Ling Jian even more. Normally, it would be fine for someone to go to the clothing department of the sect and they will hardly attract any attention. But Yuki is way too beautiful, she is even a cut above Ling Jian in some aspects and as such, it would be a bad idea. Attention might not be a bad thing, but it will lead to questions and at the moment neither Ling Jian nor Yuki wants to deal with it.

"Sect master is right, you'll attract a lot of attention" elder Chi also affirms Ling Jian

"Then what should I do?" Yuki asks.

"I'll take you directly to the head of the clothing department. I know the elder who works there, she'll help you out." Ling Jian also asks "Is there anything else you need?"

Yuki puts her hands on her chin and thinks for a moment,

'What else do I need? I should find out what has happened during the time I was sealed. While I am at it, I should ask for a sword as well'

Yuki replies "I want to go to the Library and I need a sword as well."

"Very well. Where do you want to go first, Library or clothing department?" Ling Jian asks

"Library first, I'll go to the clothing department after I am finished with the library" Yuki is more eager to find out what happened during all those years.

"Okay. Elder sister please take her to the library and tell the librarian to give her access to level 7 and make sure no one sees her. Let her use my place for reading" Ling Jian asks elder Chi. She also adds "come back here after you are done with the Library, I'll take you to get some clothes then."

"Okay," Yuki replies, and then she exits the throne room with elder Chi.