Chapter 17: Camping with Pokemons

Arriving at where the shore to Celadon City, Soul quickly found a camping place and set up his camp.

He called out all of his Pokemons and let them go and play around with each other, while he was making foods for his Pokemons.

Today he would be making Poffin for his Pokemons.

He went to first put some cut berries and other ingredients inside the pot. After that, he went to lit up the fire under the pot as the pot slowly absorb the heat beneath it.

Soul begins to stir it well and quickly, not enough for it to get spill over since it was still watery and loose, which would make it easy to be spill over.

The batter begins to cover the area around the bowl to the edge, which was good since it would be cooked fast this way.

A few more minutes later the batter begins to get thickens. This made it harder to stir, but Soul kept stir it around and doesn't let the batter get burned up as the batter begins to fill more and more in the bowl.

Another few minutes passed by as the batter became dark brown. The batter was at its last stage. All he has to do now is to stir as fast as possible without worry since the batter could no longer be spilled over.

The only risk there was in the batter would burn, but Soul wouldn't let that happen as he quickly stirs as fast as possible around the pot, while holding it in place with his psychic power.

Finally finished the Poffin, Soul went to take some cookie cutter that was in the form of various Pokemons and cut the finished baked Poffin.

After a few more minutes of cutting all of the Poffin, he took one with a Pikachu form on and took a bite.

The flavors from the Poffin quickly filled his whole mouth as almost took another one, but stopped.

After all, this was for his Pokemons. But he did store some in the Poffin Case, he bought from Vermillion City, so he could eat it when he's hungry.

Putting the rest of Poffins in the Pokemon bowls, he quickly calls everyone back with his thought.

Soul: 'Foods ready everyone.'

His Pokemon became excited as they could smell the aroma of the food, Soul cooked for them and quickly came over to him.

Soul took out a bowl and went to where Lapras was and sat down the bowl for it to eat. It sniffed to it before starting eating it happily along with his other's Pokemon.

Soul quickly took out the curry rice dish that he hadn't eaten after the first one from his inventory and starts to eat.

After finishing eating, Anubis walked toward Soul and tugged him in the sleeve. Looking down, Soul looked at Anubis in confusion.

Soul: What is it, Anubis?

Anubis: 'We have found something.'

Soul: Oh what have you found?

Anubis: 'Follow us and you see.'

Soul: Ok, let me store the cooking set first.

Soul quickly store all of the cooking set along with the empty bowl and dishes to his inventory.

Soul: Arc can you clean up the dishes?'

Soul followed Anubis and some of his Pokemons to the forest. He wondered what they would show him.

After running for a while they finally came to a stop as Soul could see multiples trees and bushes filled with all kinds of berries.

Anubis: 'We thought it would help you spare money and time from buying the ingredients, so we have found this place and thought it would be a good idea if you can take them.'

Hearing this, Soul was happy that his Pokemons would think of him. They didn't really need to since it was his job as a trainer to take care of his Pokemons.

Soul: Thank you, everyone, but I don't want to take all of the ingredients. Afterall there are other wild Pokemons who need these berries to fill their stomach, too.

So, in the end, Soul took a quarter of all the berries trees, which would give them at least two months' worth of food.

Arriving back at the camp, Soul started to train his Pokemons, as they begin to run around the camp.

As for Lapras, Soul knew that it was slow on the land, so he would try to focus on having it speed to increase on the land.

He tries to find a way for it to use it fins to move around. They're both experiments it a bit and made a little progress on it.

When it was finally night time, Soul took out a pack of marshmallows and sat it on the wood stick. He then gave each of his Pokemons one including himself.

As for those who couldn't hold it, he would take care of it. When the marshmallow was burned enough he took out a pack of cookies and made a sandwich with it.

He made the marshmallow sandwich to all of his Pokemons as they all begin to eat it happily.

Those who got the marshmallows stuck in their body, Soul went to wash them on the sea. Some of them didn't want to touch the surface of the sea, so Soul was forced to find another way to wash the marshmallows off them.

After that, they all went to sleep as Soul slept outside of his tent, instead, he slept with all of his Pokemons while the stars over them shine brightly.