Anubis Abilities

Lucario/Anubis (Variant)

Types: Ghost/Dark/Fighting

Type Advantage: Ghost, Psychic, Dark, Ice, Normal, Rock, and Steel.

Type Weakness: Flying, and Fairy.


Cursed Body: May disable a move used on the Pokémon.

Devour: For every physical attack against a Pokemon regardless of types it has, the user would have a 30% chance of absorbing 1/10 of a Pokemon power to themselves. They can store this energy till the battle is over, or if decided, releasing it on one of the attacks, making it even stronger than normal.

Aura Eyes: Enable the user to see into the future. For every one second the ability have been used, the longer the cooldown for it to have. The cooldown is always double how much, the user has used the ability.

The user is also enabled to see the energy flow of a target, enable them to predict what the enemy would use before using it. Of course, the user must be familiar with the energy flow, or else, the prediction could be wrong.

Special Moves that would be added in the future:

Aura Beam

Soul Touch

Elemental Aura