Quest Board

Aside from being their homeroom teacher, Ms. Ange is also their mathematics teacher. This is one of Sora's favorite subject and he listened until first period was over.

In this school, there are only 4 subjects all day. Two subjects in the morning and two subjects in the afternoon for two hours each. Each subject has 4 units, which means 4 hours every week except for Physical Education. Lunch break is between 12 noon to 1pm. All subjects end at 4pm. And it is homeroom time up to 5pm.

Tuesday and Thursday has the same subjects and Wednesday and Friday has the same subjects. Monday is left all day for Physical Education classes which only consumes 2 hours every class. Sora's Physical Education class on Monday is scheduled for 10am to 12 noon. That's why Sora always wake up late every Monday to get rest. He then attends class at 10am. In the afternoon is his free time which usually he spends with Rica and his hobbies.

First period ended. The second period teacher arrived. The second period subject is history, Sora's hatest subject. He doesn't want to listen at all so when the teacher turned around to write something on the board, Sora picked up his phone from his bag. He remembered that there's one tab which he didn't manage to explore yesterday on the ExApp, the Quest Board. He decided to explore it today since he doesn't want to listen to class.

Sora clicked the icon and opened the ExApp. He pressed the Quest Board tab and he was directed to the interface.

'Introduction: The quest board create quests at random. There are different grades of quest with F being the lowest and SSS being the highest. Rewards, punishment and duration of quests depend on the difficulty of the quest. You also cannot refuse any quest issued.'

Sora read the introduction. After reading it, he pressed the exit window of the introduction and the Quest Board's interface is in full view.

'No available quests at the moment.'

Sora sighed at put his phone in his pocket.

"I can't do much right now. There are no quests and the only thing that I got from the gacha yesterday is totally useless for me right now. I don't wanna be scammed again. That warning at the end is totally bad news."

There is still 1 hour left before lunch break. Sora decided to just gaze outside for the rest of the time since he had nothing to do and he doesn't want to listen.

From Sora's view, he can see some students doing some kind of activity on the field. He recognized some of the students on the field.

'Looks like that is Class 12-A. That means she's there'

Sora turned his gaze to every student until he found what he looked for.

'Aaaah... Luo Yan, why are you so beautiful.'

Luo Yan. A half-chinese girl in the same year as Sora just in a different class. She is here because she accompanied her mother who manages the branch of Luo Technologies Corporation, a big cellphone distributor corporation mainly based in China.

She is a definition of a rich girl. But she is not arrogant. She does not look down on the poor and in fact, most of her friends are from commoner families. They get along well with Luo Yan because she does not discriminate between her friends. The reason for her attending a public high school is still a mystery to the students. Sora fixed her fiery gaze towards Luo Yan. Luo Yan's back is currently facing Sora. Suddenly, Luo Yan turned around at gazed back at Sora.

"Huh? Did she me gazing at her? No, no, no. That's impossible. This is the 4th floor you know."

Sora gazed outside again towards Luo Yan but she already turned around and went back to what she was doing before.

"Maybe I'm just imagining things. I think it's just a coincidence."

Sora went back to looking at Luo Yan's back. A few minutes later, his phone suddenly vibrated. He picked up his phone and opened it. There is a notification.

'1 New Quest Available'.