Training Regimen

In a dilapidated house, near the slums. Its already 3am in the morning. Few hours after Sora swallowed the Body Cleansing Pill.

Sora's breathing has finally calmed down. Sora slowly woke up. He sat up on his bed. His body is full of sweat and his room reeks of bad smell. His body feels sticky and slimy.

"Uugh. Eww. So gross. What happend to my body? And what's with this horrible smell? Did someone forget to flush their toilet? What an idiot."

Sora mumbled and grumbled until he observed that the horrible smell came from his body.

"Oh my Goodness Gracious Mama Mia! It is me, DIO.... *coughs* that smells horrible. Did I just insult myself?"

Sora did not continue to linger on his thoughts and immediately went to the bathroom to take a bath.

After a few minutes, he came out and got fresh clothes from his carton box... I mean, wardrobe. He dressed himself and observed his body.

"What happened to my body? Why is my skin baby smooth and fair like a woman?"

Sora just then remembered that he had taken a Body Cleansing Pill.

"Hmm.. Oh yeah. Maybe this is an effect of that pill? Let's look at the ExApp if there is any changes to my body."

Sora picked up his phone which has accidentally dropped when he was wailing from pain. He opened the ExApp and clicked Profile.

'Name: Sora Tsukishima

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Race: @£#&£##

Physique: 50 (Slightly strong)

Fortitude: 53 (Hmph... I guess you have improved)

Soul: 5 (Sealed)'

Sora was shocked. He was shocked when he saw his physique and fortitude but he was more shocked when he saw the app's comments about his physique and fortitude.

"HUUUH!!?? Wh-What's with this app's comments? Why are the comments good? Did it had a change of heart? Heh. You finally submit to my power, you stupid app?? HAHAHAHAH!!"

Sora laughed like a maniac. He put his arms upward and continued laughing. He felt like the pain he experienced when he took the Body Cleansing Pill was worth it because he felt that the ExApp had a change of heart. But suddenly Sora stopped laughing. In the corner of his eye, he saw the continuation of the Profile interface.

'Title: Ultimate Loser

Remarks: "Above average... But you're still an idiot!! 😜'

The air froze and Sora's laughing face crumbled.

"Who are you calling an idiot, you stupid app.! You're just an application!! You can't insult me like this!! Damn you!!"

Sigh. Sora's mental fortitude may have improved, but he still acts like a child in front of the app. When he retorts' the app's insults, he feels like he is talking to family which he hasn't felt in a very long time, since the time his parents died. Sora continued insulting the app but after a few, he finally stopped and sighed.

"Haaaa. Nevermind. I'll just be continuing to exhaust myself like this. Now that I had my body cleansed, I can finally start training with that Tyrannical Training Regimen or something."

Sora opened the ExApp again and went to inventory. There is nothing.

"Huh? Nothing? Where is the training regimen book? Oh yeah. I dropped it when I was pissed off by the gacha yesterday."

Sora remembered and searched under the bed. There he saw a book. He grabbed it and saw the cover of an muscled arm with the words 'Tyrannical Mortal Strength Training Regimen'.

Sora opened the book. He skipped reading the introduction. He did not want to read that cheap advertisement again. He flipped the page again and read 'Beginner Class Training Regimen'

'Beginner Class Training Regimen:

- 100 push-ups

- 100 sit-ups

- 100 squats

- 10km running.

Do these regimen everyday for 1 month. If you can't achieve these for 1 month, don't bother continuing this training regimen. Your strength will never surpass mortals in that case.'