Chapter 1 Kyuro's First Adventure

On a snowy day in the outskirts of Castle Dreadskull.

I the 24 year old Vampire Kyuro am ready to go on an adventure.

With one thing on my mind, saving the first layer of Roquxestremia before the war reaches my hometown.

As I walk downstairs all ready to go I hear my mother wishing me the best of luck.

She hugs me as she says goodbye.

Then I grab my dagger as I walk through the door.

Walking down the city streets as the shops open I buy some food and head for the city gates, When suddenly a trader and his blacksmith ask me if I can check upon a goldmine of his not that far away.

He tells me he hasn't gotten his gold the past week and he fears the worst.

I accept to help him on the term that everything that I find that is not gold is mine to keep.

He thankfully accepts my offer and I go on my way to the goldmine.

Once out of the city I spread my wings and fly towards the mountains, But the closer I get the colder it gets.

As it reaches the point that it gets to cold to fly, I land to retract my wings, knowing I am halfway up the right mountain I just got to go a little further.

As the cold started to bother me I was happy when the entrance to the mine was in sight, yet no sense of danger.

Making my way in to the mine I see the torches still burning, there are still people here.

Also good for me now as I enjoy the warmth that emits from the torches as I make my way through the mine.

Eventually the mine splits of in three diffrent directions, Two of them still being lighted by torches and one of them completly dark and cold

The trader nor the blacksmith told me anything about the mine splitting off in multiple directions.

except for that already being wrong something else was off too.

Soft cold winds came out of one of the lighted caves.

And so I entered that cave, pretty certain I would find that whatever caused this anomally.

At the end of the cave the was a horrific sight.

Warriors of the Castle and miners enslaved by Undead Harpies, lackies of underground traders and Necromancers.

People who can't or don't want to fight in the war so they deliver new weapons and slaves to whoever offers the most, not caring what happens afterwards.

Clearly outnumbered and outmatched I try to think of a way to free at least a few warriors to help me.

After thinking for ten minutes I got an idea.

I threw two of the torches from behind me towards the Undead Harpies, and ran with my dagger towards the imprisoned warriors ready to cut their chains.

After the third one was freed I was grabbed from behind and thrown through a wall into a pit.

Using my wings I saved myself before hitting the bottom.

Yet being thrown through a wall hurted like hell and I knew they would come to finish me off.

Quickly I checked my surrondings looking for a loose rock or anything.

As I see a few loose rocks and grab the nearest rock, as fly towards the surface I hear a battle going on the freed warriors are probably fighting their opressors.

Reaching the surface the fight has reached a stalemate and so the miners are being used as hostages.

Realising I can save them or at least a few of them if I hurry, I take a breath readying myself when suddenly the rock goes in my hand imprinting its black/purple colour in the palm of my hand.

As the imprinting continues I scream out in disbelieve, having absolutely no idea whats happening the harpies and the warriors hear me.

Jumping towards the wall I keep an eye out for the hole through which I came and keep my ears open to hear whatever I can from whats going on on the other side.

As I close in on the hole in the wall I am still in disbelief of what just happend.

I again take a huge breath when then suddenly it feels like the wall behind me has dissapeared I fall through the wall, now with my back towards the enemy.

Everbody now has their eyes on me.

Quickly I stand up and turn around demanding the release of the prisoners.

The harpies laugh and demand i surrender before they hurt their prisoners.

Having understood a little of what had just happened, I again take a deep breathe and take a lunge at the Harpies.

I go through the first Harpie as expected seeing all their organs in the process, now in their mid I waste no time to grab my dagger and cut up as much as I can making an opening for the warriors to also attack.

As the fight can now continue I make sure to get the prisoners away from the battle cutting their chains in the process and helping in the fight wherever in can.

Eventually I get a knee lunged at me right in the stomach, I fall over and can't breathe.

hoping the warriors will now save me as I fall unconscious...