Episode 3

(The episode opens with Lucy knocking on a door)

Lucy: Kanisha, you awake?

(Kanisha is shown meditating with candles around the room, then the door opens with a glowing hand, Lucy comes in)

Lucy: (gasped) You were meditating? I had no idea

Kanisha: It's okay, what's up?

Lucy: We got a job, I thought you might want to come along

Kanisha (sparkly eyes): Of course

(The screen switches to Kanisha wearing a red jacket, white shirt, blue jeans, and blue shoes walking with Lucy meeting up with Gray, Ezra, Natsu, Happy, Wendy, and Charle)

Natsu: Oh!

Ezra (looking at Kanisha): You decided to come

Kanisha: Of course, it's my first time out for a job, what kind of job is it?

Gray: We have to help a village deal with creature called the Komkitz

Kanisha (eyes widened): The Komkitz?!

Charle: You know about them?

Kanisha (walking away): On second thought, I'll meet up with you later

Ezra: Gray, a little help

(Gray makes the road slippery, which almost caught Kanisha off guard, but she dodges it, unfortunately she didn't notice Natsu's attack and gets knocked down)

Lucy: Kanisha!

Ezra: We need know about those creatures

(Kanisha got up unharmed, which surprised Lucy, Charle, and Wendy)

Kanisha: Fine, but they ain't ordinary creatures, in fact their human

(The others looked shocked)

Kanisha (walks): Come on, let's go, I'll explain on the way.

(The screen switches to them near the mountains)

Kanisha: The KomKitz are very skillful, devious, and are part human, they were normal, happy, but a curse befallen them, now they destroy all kinds of wizards they find a nuisance, mostly the most powerful ones.

Ezra: Then, how can it be beaten?

Lucy: And why did you walk away, when we mentioned it?

Kanisha: Because it was my power that brought them to where you're going

(The others gasped)

Kanisha: I was on a job, but I was exhausted from my last job, so only could send their creatures into a different dimension for ten hundred years

Wendy: Ten hundred years!

Kanisha: Yup, but it seems somebody lifted it three hundred years early

Gray: Any idea who?

Kanisha: Not really, the guild that brought them here, died a really long time ago, they couldn't be alive

Natsu: What happened to them?

Lucy: And what do you mean your power brought them here?

Kanisha: A guild was causing mischief destroying a village that self prepare itself, so I dealt with them, that sniper was obnoxiously loud so I had them all swallowed by the pits of darkness, a place where they can't return

Lucy: You killed them?

Kanisha: Kinda. As for my power, before I sent them away, one of the members absorbed my powers hearing the legends and used it to create the KomKitz

Ezra: So, that's what happened?

Kanisha: Yeah (walks away) So (smiles) good luck

Happy: You can't leave us after coming this far

Kanisha: I can't go (red eyes) after all the other reason I sent them away, is because my power isn't enough to stop them

Natsu: You can't abandon your friends

Wendy: Besides you won't be alone

Lucy: We'll be working together as a team

Ezra: If you want to be apart of Fairytail, we have to stick together, no matter what

Gray: Yeah

(Kanisha turned around, smiles, then runs to them)

(The screen switches to a village and the villagers glaring at Kanisha angrily)

Lucy: Why are you giving the death glare at us?

Kanisha: Not us, me

Ezra: (touching Kanisha's shoulder) It's okay (looks at the villagers) we're from Fairytail, we came to help

A girl: With the cause of our destruction

Gray: More importantly where is the creatures

Kanisha: Everybody! Inside your houses now (green eyes) their coming

(Everybody went inside)

Lucy: I'm surprised they listened

Kanisha: I used mind control, but let's worry later

(A wisp of darkness came and surrounds Kanisha)

Lucy: Kanisha!

Kanisha: Show yourself

(The screen switches to the wisp of darkness become a person with jet black hair, white skin, wearing a black robe with claws)

The KimKitz. (Hugs Kanisha): Mom!

The others: Mom?!

Kanisha: Well, it was my magic that created them (looks at the KimKitz) why are you scaring the villagers?

The KomKitz: It's not me

(A spark of golden magic hit Lucy)

Lucy: Owww!

Ezra: The KomKitz is nothing like you described

Kanisha: This is a baby (pointed you to a giant) that is the grownup

(The giant looks at them and starts attacking)

(Natsu used his dragon roar, Gray used Ice cannon, Ezra gets out two swords, Wendy uses sky dragon roar, Lucy summons Loki, and Kanisha hit it with a lightning attack)

(The creature roared and got slammed to the ground)

Lucy: I was surprised that worked.

Kanisha: Weird, my attack worked.

Natsu: You mean ours?

Kanisha: No your attacks hit (point to the roofs of the villager's houses)

Wendy: Oops!

Ezra: It reflected our attacks.

Kanisha: Weird, I wonder why mine worked, I thought it would be nullified

The KomKitz: Big brother is scary, he isn't himself

Kanisha: What do you mean?

The KomKitz: Big Brother said he didn't want to hurt people, but then disappeared, and this happened

Kanisha: So, we need find the route of the problem

Lucy: Uh, Kanisha

Kanisha: Wait (uses a sonic scream to pull the monster back)

Ezra: Is it wise to be doing that?

Kanisha: Yes, he's crying

Natsu: So, what do we do?

(Kanisha flies into the monster's mouth)

Lucy: Kanisha!

Gray: What is she doing?

Natsu: Dragon

Ezra: Wait!

Natsu (stops): What?

Ezra: There must be a reason why

(Inside the monster's mouth Kanisha is spreading golden magic)

(The monster glowed, then Kanisha reappears and The monster shrinks to adult form who has green hair, wearing red cloak and hugs the young KomKitz)

The adult KomKitz: Thanks mother.

Kanisha: You are welcome

Wendy: How cute!

Ezra: Agreed

(The screen switches to Kanisha, Grey, Natsu, Ezra, Wendy, Happy, and Charle back at the guild)

Levy: So, what happened?

Ezra: Kanisha is a new proud mother

Evergreen: What?

Levy: They are the KomKitz

Kanisha (while flying): Yup, crazy right?

The baby KomKitz: Mom, can we stay here?

Kanisha: But, wouldn't it be more fun to find your brothers and sisters (tails wagging) I can sense them

The baby KomKitz: But

The Adult KomKitz: Mom is right, after all we should be reunited (looks at Kanisha) we'll meet again and thanks

Kanisha: Of course

The baby KomKitz: I'll miss you (kisses Kanisha on the cheek, then runs to his brother)

(Kanisha touches her cheek, then waves away)

Lucy: Kanisha!

Kanisha: The reason why I ran is because of this moment (tears came down, while she had one hand on her cheek)

Charle: You can predict the future.

Kanisha: Unfortunately and in the future, I get reminded of the past (walks away)

Wendy: Wait, why were you afraid?

Kanisha (with tears): Because my family has been dead for the longest and I have regretted that I couldn't save them, so I didn't want to make any new ones

Lucy: But, you

Kanisha (back turned): You may think this place could be my new family, it couldn't, but thanks for your consideration.

(Kanisha teleports)

(The screen switches to Kanisha in the mountains looking at the sky, then a boot is shown)

Kanisha: How pathetic, I was caught off guard like this (turns around) what do you want?

A voice: How rude, is that a way to treat family?

(A woman who has long straight hair and two braided ponytails, brown skin, wearing a red dress with blue flowers and blue heels appeared)

(The episode ends with Kanisha looking shocked)