The first riddle was ,"You measure my life in hours and I serve you by expiring. I'm quick when I'm thin and slow when I'm fat. The wind is my enemy.I speak without a mouth and hear without ears. I have no body, but I come alive with wind. What am I? which is the place where these two live?
That was a tricky one for Aphrodami. Hadesnaraka gave him a time span of 6hours. If he completed the riddle then the Hadesnaraka would tell the first way to get back Adonisvati. Aphrodami went with Themishwari on his flying horse. He went on to search atleast the half of the globe. But couldn't find the answer. 4 hours were spent in searching and suddenly while traveling they noticed smoke coming from some place.
They went on to check. It was a volcano erupting from great Vesuvius mount. Aphrodami stepped down and went near the cliff. By mistake he touched the hot surface of the mountain. He cried in pain and noticed that his voice was getting repeated. His voice was getting echo. Then he threw a thin and fat stick p in the volcano. He noticed that thin one got fired up quickly as compared to the fat one.
He there got the answer of the riddle. Eureka! he cried. In gladness he went back to hill of crosses and gave the answer to Hadesnaraka. He said that firewood is quick when it is thin and slow when it is fat. Echo speeks without ear and mouth. Hadesnaraka praised him and told the first way to get back Adonisvati.
He looked up at Themishwari and smiled. He said that if Aphrodami and Themishwari gets married and get a baby born ,the first path for getting back Adonisvati will be cleared.
Adonisvati looked down.....