She wasn't joking. For the next two years Karma and Ailane were furiously trained by Yoruichi, rarely getting the opportunity to meet their friends. The only exception being Naruto and Kushinas birthday, and whenever they were brought to participate as sparring partners. Usually their friends were one of the last few battles if they even participated, so they never really saw the duo as strong. Instead, they were mostly an easy win.
After two years Yoruichi thought they had expressly trained their chakra control for long enough. From then on she began to attack them while they trained, aiming to hone their senses. There numerous times when Karma just wanted to smite her, but he managed to persevere. The only bright side is that Yoruichi allowed Ailane to play the guitar as part of her training. Learning how to imbue chakra into it to amplify the sound. Though it still wasn't much of an attack.
For the next year before they turned 8 and started 8 and started ninja school they trained side by side with Ibaraki, further enhancing their chakra control while also learning how to perform shape and nature transformation, the two things needed to create one's own technique, and they continued their sparring practice with Ibaraki only rather than involving others.
Nature transformation is an advanced form of chakra control that entails moulding and defining one's chakra, altering its properties and characteristics to be used in techniques. Shape transformation is similar, only instead of altering the properties of chakra, shape transformation altered the form and movement. Though none of the three knew yet, the Nekotsume Clan students had a different graduation test than the rest of the students. These were the tools that they would need to pass that test.
Karma did finally meet Sakura during the year, when he escaped Yoruichi for a bit. He had enough to time to say hi to her before Yoruichi appeared behind him and took him back to train. She had let him escape in the first place, since she wanted to see how far he could go with shunpo if she gave him a head start. Then it was time for her to catch his sisters.
The year before they started attending the Academy, they continued their training only Himari helped Yoruichi torture them. Thus doubling the difficulty. At least throughout the year there were more breaks.
It was the first day of the Academy and Karma was preparing by getting his favorite pillow. He wore white pajamas with his clan symbol on the back, a blue and black fire with cat eyes, nose, mouth and whiskers. It was made to allude to Matatabi without fully giving away that she was a part of the clan. Though, it was known now that Matatabi was part of the clan to everyone, but not who her jinchuriki was.
"Karma, are you ready?" Ailane asked as she walked in his room wearing a black and red dress with stockings and black and red boots. She had her guitar strapped behind her back in a case she had received for their birthday the previous year. Her dress had the clan symbol on back of the bottom part of the dress, in the righthand corner. The guitar case also had the clan symbol in the center.
"You're not really dressed as a ninja, are you? Let me remind you, we're going to ninja school, Ailane." Karma joked.
"As long as it doesn't restrict my movement too much, I can dress however I want! Besides, I could say the same for you, a ninja wearing pajamas..." she retorted with a smile.
"They're comfortable and easy to move in, so they're the perfect battle garments." Karma justified. "Anyway, let's get going."
They both started their walk to the Academy only to be yanked back by Yoruichi. "You don't have to attend the Academy today, I've already made an excuse for you. How about you train some more?" She said with a grin.
"I'm sick of training. Big sister, we need to go to the Academy." Karma stated.
"I thought you wanted to learn senjutsu?" Yoruichi asked, making a confused face. "I know you succeeded in making claws to my standards last month, and Alaine managed to refine her chakra control pretty close to that."
"Nevermind, I don't need to go to the Academy." Karma quickly replied.
"Yay! Karma, we're gonna learn senjutsu!!" Ailane exclaimed.
"Yeah, Himari, you can go back to doing regular missions as a jonin from now on!" Yoruichi called out as she released Karma, allowing him to walk on his own.
Meanwhile, at the Academy. Iruka had already waited half an hour to begin class only to be informed that the two students he had waited for weren't attending that day. He sighed, he knew the Nekotsume Clans main family was always annoying to teach. The current Clan Head even skipped the school more often than she attended, and acted freely, disregarding orders from the moment she could. The best he could do is hope his students weren't as bad as her.
"Alright, let's start class!" He announced.
"Wait! Sensei, we're missing two students! Karma and Ailane aren't here yet!" Ino yelled, interrupting him.
"Do you even think they could ever be competent shinobi? One is better off being entertainment, with her only talent being music, while the other is so lazy that he likely wouldn't stand a chance against a fart, much less any other shinobi." Sasuke snorted.
"Shut up, Sasuke! Karma is so much better than you!" Sakura angrily yelled.
"Hmmph. You'll all see eventually, those two are just weak. They make their clan look bad." Sasuke grumbled before ignoring everyone else.
"Someones jealous!" Kushina laughed.
"Settle down, everyone! I've just been informed they won't be attending today. They have something very important to handle, so they'll start tomorrow." Iruka yelled. He could already tell he was going to have a rough time.