Chapter 26

Three weeks later, Karma was sleeping in his bed. During the past three weeks, Karma spent the time being lazy while others trained. Karma was confident in winning the Chunin Exams. In his mind, he was already strong, he didn't need to train to beat any of the others. When he looked at everyone's powers, he thought they weren't strong enough to challenge him.

Though, he did have to be careful of Gaara. Even his sisters weren't too big a deal. Even with his knowledge of the world, he couldn't make an accurate judge of power other than 'weak' as he was the one and only existing God. Even now, he thought he was weak, just less weak than others.

Finally his weapons arrived just as he ordered them. Satisfied with his weapons, big enough that he could use them as he grew, Karma smiled. Now, it was time for him to create his own version of the Samehada.

Grinning, Karma once again left his body. He froze time and made the great sword float in front of him. "All right, let's give you sentience first, as my partner, and alter your form a bit. Hmm, well, I do like the design of the Samehada a bit. Well, you'll have blood red fangs instead of scales. I'll give you one eye, which you can make appear at any place, linked with my Ketsuryugan, instead of a mouth. This way, it'll evolve at the same rate. Next, you can alter your shape to be other two-handed heavy swords, so you're more versatile.

Also, I'll give you the same abilities Samehada has with its scales. Now, make it so you're nourished by all energies and blood, and lastly, well, I'll let you have your own personality other than being loyal to me." Karma spoke to his new weapon. He knew it couldn't hear him yet, but he was creating a partner who would accompany him. Perhaps it would accompany him for the rest of eternity.

Karma then set it so that the sword would transfer into his desired form and gain its sentience when he named it. He also made it so that nobody would question the swords form or sentience, except for the Hidden Mist. He thought it would be entertaining when he met someone from the Hidden Mist Village and they were shaken by his swords appearance alone.

He looked at his new war fan and sighed. "We'll see about giving you sentience in the future." Then, he went back into his body and restarted time.

"Now that that's settled, let's name you first," Karma said as he looked at his war fan. He believed that even if it didn't end up becoming a treasured part of his arsenal, he should still give it a name. "You will be Akufu, evil wind." Next, he looked at his sword. "And you, my partner, you will be Chimamirekiba."

Once his words finished, Chimamirekiba began to morph, becoming just as Karma had envisioned. "Alright, should I wrap you in bandages too?" Karma asked as he picked up the sword.

"Kikiki!!" The sword replied by scrapping its fangs against each other beginning to feed on Karma's chakra, a little at a time.

"So you don't mind as long as you're fed? All right then." Karma understood it. He picked up Chimamirekiba and Akufu, one after another placing them on his back in an X. "Oh, that's pretty heavy." Karma remarked as he sank into the floor a little from the weight. Karma made his way to Ailane's room where found some bandages and had Ailane help him wrap Chimamirekiba up in bandages.

"Are you going to keep relaxing?" Ailane asked.

"No, I need to get used to swinging these around. I guess I'll train a little." Karma smiled.

"Yeah, you need to train. Otherwise everyone else will over take you." Ailane remarked.

"I don't know about that, but I definitely don't think so. They're significantly weaker than me right now, I doubt a month is enough for them to catch up." Karma said.

"And what about Ibaraki and I?" Ailane said.

"You're also too weak to fight me, Ailane. You've barely trained, too." Karma smiled.

"Hmmph. I'll show you! I'll beat you in the Chunin Exams!"

"Don't think so. You're pretty weak against me yourself."

"You're right, but in that case, I'm sure Ibaraki will beat you easily. Unlike you, she's constantly improving. She said you're too immature and overconfident in your strength and she can't wait to teach you that constant improvement is what you should be striving for too."

"Well, tell her I can't wait. I'll show her that my confidence is correct and I'm good relaxing."

"Kushina might have been right, you know. You can't throw away your laziness, so you won't be able to reach the strength needed to guard against all threats."

"Well, we'll see about that."