Chapter 32

Two days later, Karma had already reprogrammed Tayuya, his souvenir from the invasion, mind. He also got her new clothes made and was now waiting for her to change outside his room. Karma had decided to make her his personal assistant, maid, and second in command. Tayuya came out wearing a red, purple and black navy military uniform complete with a hat. (Authors Note: Think Esdeath from Akame Ga Kill red replaces white, purple replaces black. With a navy hat in those colors and form-fitting pants that don't restrict movement rather than a skirt.)

"Master!" She saluted.

"You look good, Tayuya." Karma complimented. He was wearing a long red cloak with a hood, and underneath it he wore a black and purple battle kimono. "Let's go introduce our new clan." He said as he moved, heading towards the Nekotsume clans training field where Yoruichi was already explaining everything to the clan.

When he arrived everyone turned to look at him, and he immediately spoke, "I'm sure some of you may not want me, my aunt, Himari and my sisters to leave. Unfortunately, we must leave for the stability of the Nekotsume Clan. We will form a different clan, one that utilizes the power of the Ketsuryugan, alongside ninjutsu. We will not spread the Nekotsume Clans secrets, and we will have the Nekotsume as our most trusted ally. I have been known as Karma Nekotsume, the lazy genius by all, but from now on, I will be Karma Otsutsuki, leader of the still to-be formed Otsusuki Clan! Well, future leader." With that said, Tayuya tipped her hat slightly, displaying the clan symbol on it, Chimamirekiba with its eye open at its center, displaying a basic Ketsuryugan. Then, they turned around and left, the clan symbol once again shown on the back of Karma's cloak and Tayuya's clothes.

Karma had decided to name his new clan Otsutsuki since he found it funny. There was already an Otsutsuki Clan, and they were basically considered gods for their strength. At least they considered themselves gods. He would later slowly assimilate them by beating any he met into submission.

As they left the Nekotsume Clan, Ailane and Ibaraki started walking with them. Kidomaru followed behind them like a guard. The only altercation really made to him was making his curse mark a Kekkei Genkai. He would later join Konoha's forces, but until then he would guard Ailane. "So, what's with the new outfit?" Ibaraki asked.

"The Uchiha Clan and the Hyuga Clan also have their own style they wear, so this will be the style of our new clan." Karma explained. "I think it looks cool and like an actual ninja." Really, he remembered seeing a world where a little girl wore a similar outfit while rampaging on the battlefield. Since the Ketsuryugan and its evolutions were in line with destruction and vampirism, he made the outfits to resemble that little girls'.

"Eh? So you're going to stop being lazy now?" Ailane asked.

"I'll try. You two and Yoruichi should also get similar outfits. At least get the new clan symbol on your clothes in the future rather than the Nekotsume Clan's." Karma said.

"And what about hers?" Ibaraki asked, looking at Tayuya.

"She's my servant, so she wears that." He said simply.

"Okay! Karma, let me take a picture of you!" Ailane said.

"Again? Every time I wear a new outfit..." Karma started to complain.

"Yes, again. Stand right there! Ibaraki, while I take the picture, you need to gather everyone together!" Ailane exclaimed.

"I'm on it, Ai-chan!" Ibaraki nodded before swiftly departing. Ailane quickly got Kidomaru to take a picture of Karma and also departed.

"Now that that's done, let's go introduce ourselves to the Hyuga Clan, Tayuya." Karma smiled before continuing on his way, closely followed by Tayuya. When they arrived at the Hyuga Clan Compound, they were quickly escorted to meet Hiashi Hyuga, where Karma introduced his clan once again. He also made it a point to tell Hiashi not to worry because he wouldn't spread the Gentle Fist Arts to anyone other than his kids with Hanabi and Hinata in the future. This resulted in him and Tayuya being swiftly kicked out.

"Master, why didn't you let me raze those scum to the ground?" Tayuya asked as they made their way to the Yamanaka flower shop where they were sure to meet Ino's dad, the Head of the Yamanaka. Karma had made several alterations to Tayuya's abilities while he altered her mind to make her suitable to serve him as he wanted her to. She was currently at Kage level, but she would only get stronger.

"You can't do that. We're part of the same village, and his daughters are my future women. How would they react if you killed their father?" Karma said. "We're better off waiting for a good opportunity to show off our power when I'm much stronger."

Tayuya nodded and they continued on their way. Karma did the same thing at every major clan, making sure he claimed Ino as his woman, and in the case of the Uchiha, he directly asked Sasuke how he would feel about him being Sasuke's new father. Then Itachi kicked him out while laughing, something rarely seen outside of his home.

"What about them?" Tayuya asked.

"It's fine. She'll come around later, after Itachi takes over as Clan Head. Let's go tell Sakura, Rin and Tenten. Speaking of Tenten, Tayuya, within the next month, while I train, I'll leave it to you to get her to do something other than whatever she does to fight. Obviously, it's pretty useless..." Karma sighed. Tentens techniques really were useless in his opinion. What was throwing a bunch of weapons going to do? To anyone at Jonin level, it was a mild inconvenience. "After that, we'll hang around to ensure the new clan compound is built properly until my 13th birthday before leaving to train elsewhere for awhile."

"Yes!" Tayuya exclaimed.

The duo continued to tell others about their new clan before arriving at the Hokage Office. They were quickly allowed entry by the Hokage, and Karma explained about how he would be training seriously from now on and leave after his 13th birthday to train further, as well as retrieve the Chonoike Clan as a part of his own Otsutsuki Clan.

"Are you sure you can do it?" The Hokage asked.

"We are more than confident in our ability to retrieve a bunch of strays." Tayuya answered for Karma, annoyed. She couldn't understand how people could doubt her master. Even worse were those that weren't happy he claimed their daughters.

"As she said. We will definitely be able to retrieve them by the time I get back." Karma said.

"Before you leave, Karma, I have something for you." the Third called out as Karma was turning away.


Author's Note: so remember how I said I wanted to write something else with an evil character? My ideas on what they would do are limited. Slavery? Massacres? Rape? What else? I can barely think of things, so I would appreciate suggestions on what an evil character would do. I've written 5 chapters with 1k words each and so far all I've got is the motherfucker enslaved his mother and plans to dominate and enslave the world. I think I'll put a system in that fanfic too btw so any good ideas on a system that isn't just "I have a system, therefore I am guaranteed to have absolutely no troubles ever."

Aside from that, I might start doing updates for 2 chapters a day for this. I mean, I'm like 25 chapters ahead, and I write maybe two a day, maybe more, unless I decide to just chill that day.