A month later, Tsunade had been inaugurated as the 5th Hokage after being brought back by Jiraya. Karma felt maybe his charm was a little stronger than he thought because Tsunade and Shizune immediately showed some interest in him before moving on when they first met him. It wasn't something he considered a problem yet, but it did make him start to consider how he would really manage a harem. He couldn't rule over them with strength as he saw some do, since that always lead to their death, and he was enjoying his time as a mortal.
He could give them a mark and rank like some dragons did, but he wasn't yet sure what his own would entail. If he wished, the mark could give any number of benefits to whoever receives it, while also ranking them, but he didn't like the idea of ranking them. A rank would imply how important they are to him, and as he would consider them all his family, he couldn't simply assign importance to the women. He wasn't delusional enough to think he would love them equally, but he would do his best to treat them equally.
He once spoke to Enza about the matter while training, and Enza responded by smacking him with Akufu. "Just make sure you spend an ample amount of time with everyone!" He yelled as he vanished in a puff of smoke, muttering about his own inability to get monkey girls. Karma laughed lightly as he picked Akufu up and strapped it to his back along with Chimamirekiba. 'Well, I guess I'll figure it out when a problem actually arises, for now, I guess I'll do as Enza said while I'm not on missions or training. I really miss being lazy.' He thought.
"Master, the old hag has asked to see you." Tayuya reported as she arrived behind Karma.
"All right, let's go." Karma responded, heading straight for the Hokage's Office. When he got there, he was greeted by the sight of all the Konoha 18 and their teachers, all except for Asuma, who was still hospitalized.
"Okay, now that everyone is here we can get down to business. First, some teams will have new arrangements. Team 12, and Team 7. Naruto, Sasuke and Karma will form a new team headed by Kakashi. This team is made up of the strongest Genin, so you will be to support other teams in more difficult missions and carry out harder ones. Along with this, you'll still be in your normal teams to carry out normal missions. Sakura, Kushina, Ailane, you as well will form another new support team, this one headed by Himari. Your teams will henceforth be known as Team Power and Team Flower. Understood?"
"Yes!" Everyone but Karma and Tayuya saluted.
"Why?" He asked. It wasn't like these teams were needed before.
"We as a village need to be able to display our strength better. With the death of Danzo, the Fourth, Retirement of the Third, and the attack on the village from Orochimaru, our village is looking weaker than ever in the eyes of others. The Sand Village may have reestablished an alliance with us, and know we aren't weak, but showing weakness means opening ourselves fo attack. The Mist may be in the midst of a civil war now, but the Cloud and Stone Villages are fine. The Cloud Village is especially known for taking advantage of times when others are weak to strike. By forming these new teams, we will be able to display more power to the outside, while also feeding them false information about our grouping. Moreover, both teams will be able to help other teams, keeping alive in missions where they would otherwise lose their life. Starting now, you all, as the strongest genin and Jonin will begin investigating the organization 'Akatsuki' while on your missions. However, be weary, and if you suspect you have been spotted by them, escape. Asuma is bedridden right now, and likely will be even with my help for a long time. For now, Team 10's new leader will be Itachi Uchiha."
With her word finished, a flock of crows flew into the room, quickly coming together to form Itachi Uchiha.
"Can we trade?" Karma asked, looking between Kakashi and Itachi. "Mine is reading and not paying attention, but Itachi had a cool entrance."
"No." Tsunade said firmly. "Karma, you are promoted to Jonin for your strength and bringing the three Sand siblings to broker peace. Now you're all dismissed, Team Power and Flower, you need to gather together as those team for now. When you're needed to act as Team 7 and Team 12, I'll call for those teams."
Once again, everyone saluted except for Karma and Tayuya before departing. "Karma, Tayuya. Wait." Tsunade called as he was about to jump out the window. "Why are you not saluting?"
"I just don't feel like it. Anyway, it doesn't matter since I'm going to be your husband. Why would a husband salute his wife like that? At least I've never heard of it." Karma answered confidently.
Tsunade sighed and shook her head. She had gotten used to Karma saying that even after she told him there was a huge age difference. "You also never mentioned, what with those extremely eye catching clothes on Tayuya? You could go with any other type of clothing for your clans style. The Uchiha just have high collars and wear black. You're suppose to be a ninja."
"It's not like spitting fire isn't eye catching too. Or most ninjutsu. Besides, she needs to have something different since she's my servant, you know."
"Well, fine. There's other things, like your eyes. You have 'the Most Evil Eye.' Yoruichi told me so after I learned you had a dojutsu. I actually have some information for you. There's an Akatsuki member with Ketsuryugan that are evolved. He took the time to explain them to Jiraya, which is why we came up with that name for them. To evolve your eye, you will need to drink someones blood. The evolution will give you a unique ability as well as make you thirst for blood endlessly until you evolve it again by drinking a sufficient amount of blood. I'm sure you will want to evolve it, however, I ask that you either do it away from the village or with my supervision! I don't want any accidents due to your blood thirst. Please, inform your sister as well." Tsunade explained.
"All right." Karma smiled. "I'll let you know if I plan to evolve it."