Walk to School

It had been a few minutes now since the alleyway incident.

"You don't talk a lot do you?" I asked Oliver since he was silent since we got away from the Alleyway, "I'm not a very social person." Oliver responded back, Atom decided to chime in as well "You should've seen him when i first met Oliver, oh man was he shy!" he jokingly said when Oliver got mad, "Shut up before I decide to cancel our contract!" Oliver lashed out at Atom.

I giggled from their little scene, Oliver seemed confused from me, "I don't think I properly introduced myself to you, I'm Lily Wright." I said to Oliver, "Lily eh? I guess i should call you Madame Lily from now on" Atom continued to joke as we walked, "Lily is fine thank you." I responded back.

A few more minutes go by and I see that we're near the School, before I go i decide to ask Oliver a question, "hey, ummm Oliver?" I flustered as i began to ask my question, "do you want to hang out after school?" I finally dropped it on him. It took him a moment to answer "it's nothing weird I just want to thank you properly for everything you did for me earlier" I reassured him, "I guess, but I'm still not a very social person." He told me, "Great! I'll see you here at Three Thirty, bye bye!" I happily told him as I walked into Campus.

Lunch Time.

I was hanging out with my best friend Sophia.

"So, I was working on my project on the History of Killerpatty right and would you believe that he worked with a Group before?!" Sophia told me as I was stuffing my face, "Let me see." I said to her, She passes me her phone and pulls up a article on the group, "They called themselves Double A Batteries, a nickname of sorts I guess. The Group consisted of three members, you had The Speedster Andrew, The Colossus Amir and The Defender Oliver. Sadly during that disappearing event two of the members were killed by some gang leader named Grin Scurvy and that Oliver guy went AWOL days after and wasn't heard from again." Sophia states all of that to me as I recalled something.

"Oliver... Oliver... hmm... Oli... ver... Oh my God!!!" I shout in excitement, the whole lunchroom is staring at me as i cause a scene.

"I think I just met this Oliver person!" I told Sophia, I begin recapping Sophia on what happened earlier that day, Sophia looks at me seriously and says to me "Lily... thats highly unlikely. No one has seen Oliver in years", "Well I disagree Sophia, I'll prove it tomorrow You'll see!" I exclaimed at Sophia, suddenly I hear a familiar voice right behind me.

"Tisk Tisk Tisk, If it isn't the Loser table causing that commotion." It was my arch-enemy at school, "...gerald..." I painstakingly say as I scold at him, "My, My Lilith, to think people would still be talking about heroes three year after the event? What a geek, heroes are a thing of the past you two, grow up." Gerald continued on as I began staring at the ground to avoid eye contact with him. "What next? You two are gonna become the next Killerpatty?! Ha! Pathetic." Gerald says, just then he starts to pour milk onto the back of my jacket, the whole lunchroom starts laughing as I quickly rush out of there, "Lily wait up!" Sophia tells me.

I was in the bathroom trying to get the milk stain off of my school jacket, luckily it didn't seep onto my shirt, "Honestly what a jerk!" I yelled out, "I know, if only i could do something about it but I cant, otherwise I'd get suspended and i cant get that marked on my perfect record." Sophia stated, suddenly a idea pops into my head, "unless..." I started to say, "I don't like where this is going." Sophia states, "Sophia! Is it possible to get me a Male uniform and a fake school ID?" I state my idea to her, "You know thats beyond my position in the student council!" Sophia says trying to counter my idea, I decide to beg her "Please Sophia?", Sophia grows silents... and then breaks, "alright! but you owe me big time for this." she states, "oh thank you thank you thank you" I shout gleefully as I hug her, "Here put this information on the ID" I hand her a piece of paper, "now i regret my decision..." Sophia states.

After School, I walk out of school, I try to spot Oliver but to no avail... I think he left me behind but then i see a family coat on a bench, Its Oliver fast asleep on a bench, "Oliver?... oh Oliver?" I quietly say to grab his attention, he looks like he fell asleep reading a book, "five more minutes mom." Oliver says as he resumes sleeping... "OLIVER!" I yell out which gets him up, "Hello?!..." he looks around, "oh, its you" he says while half awake, "Shall we get going?" I say to him, "yeah... let me just..." Oliver falls back asleep, "This plan is really gonna work out Lily!" I sarcastically tell myself.