I remember you.

-Grin's POV-

"Graar!" I screamed as I punched a mirror in front of me, I could feel my blood gushing out of my hand as the glass pierced through my skin.

"Um, sir?" One of my servants questioned, "What the hell do you want?!" I angrily interrogate him, "sorry to intrude but the boss is calling for you." the servant informed me as he held out a phone, "Give me that." I said as I snatched the phone from him, "Hello?" I said into the phone, "I heard what happened." I listened as my Father talked to me with a angered tone in his voice, "Did you forget what we just talked about moments before the deal, you were to sell the weapons." He said to me as serious as possible, "Listen, I tried to sell them but he wanted them for 50% off Father!" I tried to explain to him but he wouldn't listen, "So that gives you the right to pull a gun on the buyer and then runaway?, I have to pull a lot of strings just to keep you alive right now boy." He told me, "You are to report back to the Mansion as soon as possible, your siblings and I are going to have to reform you one way or another." He ordered from me, "but father!" I tried to tell him something but he hung up before I could finish my sentence.

This was the first time I felt scared in a while, I didn't know what my Father would do to me once I returned back home, "um, sir?" One of my high ranking gang members said, "We haven't been able to locate your Right-hand man anywhere, he hasn't picked up the phone either, we presume he was killed during the shootout." He informed me, "Dammit!" I yelled as I punched my fist into the wall, "wait a minute, he was able to get out of the shootout and was able to fend off some of the cars trying to catch me." I said as I remembered where he was, "He said that he was going to stop a car that didn't seem to be affiliated with either Apex nor The buyer." I said, I knew was onto something, "sir?" The high ranking gang member said in a questioning tone, "Someone or something must've stopped him somehow." I explained

"We were able to capture this photo with the passengers of that vehicle.", "Give it to me!" I said as I snatched the photo from his hands, I saw it clearly, Two people inside the car and one on the roof, One looked like a demon of some sort, another looked like a school girl with bunny ear and the person on the roof of the car looked familiar, "and who is this?" I asked the gang member, "We presume it to be the former hero, Oliver Peddleton, sir." He stated to me, Oliver?, Oliver?, it sounded so familiar but so distant.

"Doesn't ring any bells right now." I said to him, "He was in a elite squad oddly called Double A Batteries." He stated as I remembered now, I killed two of those stupid heroes and left the other to his own thinking he would probably kill himself right there from the sheer trauma of losing his squad mates but I guess not, "Oliver... I remember you now." I said to myself, "Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!" I laughed, "I should've killed you the moment I killed your stupid friends!" I yelled out to myself, "Guess I'll do so before I have to report to Father." I said as I looked closely at the Bunny-eared Schoolgirl's uniform, "hmmm, Crimson Preparatory School?" I had came up with an idea to get Oliver's attention, "Looks like it's about time to have some fun." I said to the member.

"Sir, what exactly are you planning?" The member asked me, "I'm going on a killing spree with a army just to get Oliver's attention." I explained to him, "Lets see how many people's lives it takes for Oliver to give up." I continued on, "Go rally up as many members as you can, we head out tomorrow." I ordered the member, "Yes sir!" He said as he left the room. who would've known that outta all people trying to claim my head that it'd be a former hero who's friends I brutally murdered three years ago, this will be fun to plan out and do, I'll make it as gruesome as my previous killing spree just to show Oliver that he will never stop me.

No one can stop me.