The Forgotten Universe

This story takes place in a alternate universe to Killerpatty: Fire and Flames and all other Killerpatty stories.

Whereas Killerpatty takes place in what's called the Main universe, Atom & Lily takes place in a forgotten universe where lost/forgotten characters are left after a "reboot" of sorts happened to the universe which primarily affected the Food People of the Forgotten universe.

Oliver Peddleton: Oliver was a nice and caring person but when Grin Scurvy murdered his only friends he swore revenge, this would spark a personality change causing him to be this rage-indused anti-hero who's only goal is to find Grin Scurvy and but a bullet into his head. Oliver also goes by the alias Atom whenever he's out doing searching for Grin. Oliver has three primary forms of attack:

Atom's claw which as the name implies is a claw that Oliver can grow to slash at anyone and anything in his way, Oliver's Pistol is used incase he needs to attack with range and lastly Requiem who we'll get to later.

Lily Wright: Lily is a high school senior who is the complete opposite to Oliver, she is a caring and overall nice person. Lily lost her mother and older sister to the hands of Grin Scurvy so both her and Oliver have a common enemy. Lily wears her school uniform and bunny ears most of time (Note: Lily's bunny ears aren't actually ear but a headband given to her by her mother). Lily primarily focuses on using martial arts on anyone who tries anything on her, Lily will sometimes use a taser gun just incase her martial arts can't cut it.

Atom the Exiled: Atom is a being from another plane of existent, Atom looks like a Ghostly demon wearing a cloak with his face covered, this is because Atom lost his physical form when he lived in the Shadow realm, a place between dimension. Atom was framed for something he didn't do and his Overlord took his physically form and sentenced him to death, of course he survived but has to do a mutual bond with a human in-order to live otherwise he will fade from existence. Atom is invulnerable to almost anything as long as Oliver is alive, Atom also uses his claw which he shares with Oliver to slash as his enemies.

Grin Scurvy: The Deadly, Murderous, Crazy, Psychotic Lunatic called Grin Scurvy. Grin is a lieutenant for his father's gang Apex but Grin sees himself as powerful to be his own boss. Grin loves to kill anyone and anything when he gets the chance, shoot, stab, burn, you name it he's done it. Grin Scurvy has two major features on him, his mouth scar and his missing left arm which were the results of a terrible disaster, his prothetic arm has a hook that Grin loves to use since it reminds him of his childhood wish of being a pirate.

Hamburgs and Hamsterdam: In the beginning you will be briefly introduced to the capital of Victus: Hamsterdam where Oliver and Lily encounter their life changing moments right there on the same day. Hamsburgs is the city that the story is primarily set in, Lily attends a school there named Crimson Preparatory School and Oliver sorts of resides there only to find clues on Grin's whereabouts, the heroes go around the city through many districts just to find the murderer.

The Great Disappearance: The Great Disappearance (or G.D. for short) is the name of a event that Oliver gave, The G.D. was a global event where a little over 85% of food people were being beamed up to the sky and were sent to another dimension (this event gave birth to the Main Universe), the event also gave birth to Oliver and Lily's desire to get revenge on Grin Scurvy.

Lily's classmates and brother: In the story, you will come across three notable characters; Sophia Turnberry, Gerald Dallas III, and Jackson Wright.

Sophia is Lily's childhood friend and helps out Lily even when she seriously doesn't want to.

Gerald is Lily's school bully, his arrogance and snobby attitude towards everyone (especially Lily) is the reason Lily and Gerald aren't friend and they're both cold-blooded enemies in each other's eyes

Jackson is Lily's only little brother, while their father is off on a business trip, Lily takes care of Jackson although he rarely comes out of his room due to his depression that formed when their mother and sister were killed.

Killerpatty: Lastly when reading you will hear the name "Killerpatty" numerous and might ask yourself who is he? Oliver explains somewhat but in summary Killerpatty was a world famous hero who was a Hamburger in a cape, mask and tophat in the forgotten universe, his family came from a lineage of Killerpatties with Killerpatty 5th (the 4th generation KP is also mentioned too) being the most recent Killerpatty. Killerpatty was a food- victim of the Great Disappearance and was wiped from the forgotten universe and moved to the newly formed Main Universe.

Learn more about the after-effects of the Great Disappearance on the forgotten universe by actually reading Atom & Lily right now!

(If anything else needs to be answered let me know in the comments and I will make sure to make a part two to this if needed!)