the hunt

As michael and cassius started to leave the village about 30 people were walking towards the village

" halt " said cassius

the people froze and jolted when they heard cassius and then saw him in his armor leading his horse

" what are you doing here "

they jolted again when they were asked this question.

one older man stepped out and said " lord are village was destroyed and we have been wandering ever since and are starting to run out of food and water when we saw your village "

" im not the lord he is " cassius said

the old man jolted a little when he heard that and then slightly turned to see a young youth with not much muscle in some leather armor with a sword at his hip.

" my apologies my lord " said the old man

" its fine so what do you need " said michael

" well when we saw the village we thought it was deserted and were going to restart are village here but since it ma lords we are hoping you will let use settle here in your village "

michael thought about it and was thinking about saying no because he was just going to buy slaves from the system since they will be more easily controlled then others then the system spoke out

' this apart of the game every day a fixed amount of 10 people will immigrate to your village until your village upgrades and you will then receive double '

the people started to fidget at how long michael was taking to answer there question and after another minute michael answer " yes you can join my village "

the old man exclaimed " thank you lord thank you for your graciousness "

michael then welcomed them into the village and walked to the warehouse to pull out 30 grain for them to eat for the rest of the day

then he went out to hunt while he left cassius behind to watch over the villagers

michael walked 4 miles towards the forest forest and as he got closer he could hear deer running by the edge of the forest and birds twittering.

michael entered the forest and walked deeper for about five minutes when he heard a squeal.

he turned towards it when a boar came charging out of the brush and right at michael.

michael was startled and forgot to pull out his sword so by time he regained himself he just barely dodged the boar and its tusks and rolled on the ground then got back up and draw his sword.

the boar turned around and came charging at him again he did a little sway and side stepped the boar and gave it a slice across its side.

the boar yelped and blood started to slowly leak out of the 5 inch cut and the boar was even more enraged.

and charged with even more force he did a little sway and tried to side stepped again but this time the boar was ready and jerked its head and its tusk caught michaels leg and took a 1 inch deep gash.

and blood started to pour out michael screamed and took a tumble michael grabbed his leg and groaned then he heard the boar.

he looked up and the boar already turned around and was charging again michael tried to get up but he couldn't as the boar neared Michael rolled and just barely missed the boar and barely stood up.

he ready his sword and took a big slice at the boars neck as it just passed by and the boar stumbled on to the ground and whined.

michael didn't miss this chance and ignoring the pain rushed up to the boar and thrust the sword throu the boars neck.

and then he thrust up and cut out half of its neck spraying blood every where and even some onto his armor.

' ow this hurts like hell '

' congratulations you leveled up '

' huh i leveled up when how '

' answering host you leveled up after defeating the level three boar if you check the log you will learn everything that went on '

' hmm the log ' michael thought

then he noticed in the top right corner of his eye a blinking light shaped like a piece of paper he thought about opening it and the paper stoped blinking and a page popped up in front of him and he started to read it.

encountered lvl 3 boar

inflicted 22 damage to lvl 3 boar

you caused bleeding affect 1 damage per second for 10 seconds

lvl 3 boar inflicted 10 damage to you

lvl 3 boar caused bleeding effect 5 damage per second for 5 seconds and 1 damage per second for every 30 seconds unless bandaged

you inflicted 40 damage to lvl 3 boar

you caused bleeding effect 5 damage per second for 30 seconds

you inflicted 100 damage to lvl 3 boar

you defeated a lvl 3 boar you gained 147 exp 3 MSP

you leveled up lvl 1 - lvl 2

' wow i completely forgot about my level and MSP '

" open status "


name: michael

age: 18


height: 180 cm

rank: knight

hp: 35/100

mana: 100 /100

stamina: 100/100

lvl 2

exp: 47|153 exp needed

MSP: 3|97 MSP needed





free attributes 4

after checking his status michael saw that he had 4 free attributes and since it seems stamina isn't consumed throu walking or fighting but more then likely used like in some games as only physical skill's use the stamina and mana will be used on magical based skills.

michael decided to allocate those 4 attributes into str and end 2 in each.

which raises his health limit to 120.

after resting for two minutes michaels health was almost full as his health is now at a 100 .

he walked over to the boar and tried to put the boar in his inventory but got an error message

' cannot store unprocessed goods raw material and processed good's only '

" what so i have to either butcher the boar or carry it back ugh but i don't know how to butcher a boar and i don't want to ruin its meat or fur "

Michael was troubled about what to do so he started to look around and he found some long plants with big leaves and the stem of the plant was thick and sturdy something that could be used as a quick rope and sled.

so michael cut a few leaves with there stems the cut the stem from the leaves and fashioned a rope out of them and then tested the leaves strength and surprisingly it took some strength to rip so he put some holes in a few of the leaves and then put the ropes throu the holes and tied off the ends and now he has a makeshift leaf and stem sled.

michael puts the boar on the sled and starts making his 4 mile journey home.

just as michael reaches the gate the sun goes down and now its about time for dinner which is good timing with the boar he just brought home.