Raiding The Bandit Camp

2 hours after Michael sent the scouts out they finally returned and with news the camp was about 2 miles big with about 300 bandits and 500 slaves 100 of those bandits had horses and leather armor unlike the rest which just wore torn cloth.

so with this information Michael decide on a plan to lore out those 100 house bandits and ambush them

so with a plan in mind Michael took the troops to a forest clearing a 10 by 100 foot clearing in the forest that lead to an opening surrounded by trees.

Michael had the soldiers dig 10 ft wide by 5 ft long and 7ft deep holes all along the path and then made covers that looked like the forest floor.

as soon as they were done with that the spearmen got in the holes and the swords men covered the holes while they hid in the forest.

Michael chose the 10 shield men as the bait and had them take off all there armor leave there shield and only take a dagger with them which they used to rip there clothing and put dirt on themselves so they looked like villagers.

they started to walk towards the camp when they were half way there they could finally see the camp and the guards in the tower could see them they reported to there supervisors and they reported to the big boss who thought it has been long enough since the Calvary went out and had some fun so he sent them out and they went storming towards the disguised soldiers who didn't start to run away until the Calvary was about half way there and then they started running like crazy towards the opening in the forest.

as they approached the clearing in the forest Michael could hear the horses galloping towards them and he had the men prepare their Spears.

when the shield men entered the clearing they dashed to the sides of the path but the Calvary couldn't as they were going to fast so they just charged onto the path and would turn around in the clearing they saw at the end of the path.

as they started to pass over the covered holes and all the Calvary were on the path Michael screamed now and all the spear men thrusted upwards through the covers and stabbed into the horses chest spewing blood everywhere and falling forward launching there riders and some crushing there riders.

as the spear men tried to get out of there holes the swords men came charging out and killing the still dazed bandits that were launched from there horses.

as they were slitting open the dazed bandits throats the Calvary still alive which is about 60 of them finally turned around and we're charging back towards the swords men and about half of the spear men as about half are still trapped in the holes cause horses are on top and there extra heavy as they look about two times bigger then your average horse kind of like the prehistoric kind Michael once saw on a field trip to the museum.

the spear men quickly made small holes and plowed the back end of there Spears in the ground and pointed them forward so as to act like a spike trap and force the Calvary to dismount and have to take the Spears out of the ground to be able to get passed.

as the Calvary were gaining speed they saw this and slowed down as they wouldn't make it in time to stop then and the forest is to thick to ride through so they knew they had to dismount and fight head on with them.

so the 60 bandits that were left dismounted from there horses and engaged the soldiers.

the fight is fierce as yells and screams sound out and blood sprays everywhere.

after about a half hour the battle is won but at a cost of 3 shield men 10 spear men and 6 swordsmen.

Michael gathers all that are still able body which is 6 shield men as one is to hurt to battle 37 spearmen with 3 injured and 40 with 4 injured.

so he gathered all 83 and had then put on the bandits clothes to make them look like them and the good thing is that night was coming and by time they get there it will be dark and at least half of the bandits would be asleep.

as Michael and his men arrive at the gate to the encampment Michael can see the two watchtowers next to the gate with two men each in them one with a torch and one with a bow.

and on the ground Michael can see four men two with torches one on each side and then two men with swords both on with one on each side as Michael and his group walk closer to the gate the guards visibly tense on put there hands on there weapons.

" Halt " one of them say's

" who are you and what are you doing here "

" mat its me jack "

jack was one of the horse riding bandits Michael saved one of them for this exact reason so they could get in without letting the bandits know so they can surprise them in there sleep and take the camp easily.

" jack I see you were able to get your catch but with a cost " said mat

" yeah those people we thought were villagers weren't they lead us into a tarp in the forest and ambushed us and cut are numbers down and got some of are horses but they were smaller in number so we got them back for that " said jack

" good but the big boss still isn't going to be happy that you lost some of his horses those thing are bloody hard to get " mat said

" yeah I know the boss is gonna beat the hell out of me probably wont walk straight for a week haaaaah" jack sighed

" well good luck " mat said and then opened the gate

as they got the go ahead Michael and his me headed into the bandit camp with the bandit jack and headed towards the center of the encampment were the leaders tent was as they were a few hundred feet from the main tent Michael went into an empty tent and gaged jack and then tied him up.

" you'll stay here until were done with you friends and then you can go so just be quiet ok " Michael said

jack just nodded and gave a grunt in affirmation.

Michael left the tent and then started giving orders out everyone was to get into groups of 2 and then start tying up and gaging the sleeping bandits in the tents as they all started to leave Michael kept three behind with him and started to walk to the bandit leaders tent.

as Michael and his group get closer and closer to the tent they can here loud laughter and cups hitting each other.

" it seems there having fun and getting drunk this is just gonna make it easier for us " Michael said

Michael and his mean keep heading towards the tent when they are stopped by two guards at the tents entrance.

" hey what are you doing here you know your not supposed to get near the boss's tent unless asked for " said one of the guards

" I know but we just got back from hunting down those villagers we saw " Michael said

" ok go in but leave your weapons and your friends stay here " the guard said

Michael just nodded in affirmation and left his sword there and then got a pat down by the guards and was then let in.

as Michael walked in the tent quieted down as the head bandit looked at Michael with a death stare.

" what do you want " the leader said

" just reporting sir we have returned " Michael said

" good so what did you get " the leader said

" we got some coin and weapons " Michael said

" good ok you can leave " the leader said

Michael didn't respond or move.

" I told you to leave so why haven't you " the leader said in a raised voice

" well ... because i need you to die " Michael said as he took off charging at the bandit leader and pulled a sword out of his inventory.

the bandit leader and his guest were surprised by the sudden change and Michael pulling a sword out of thin air but they tried to recover in time but it was to late for the leaders guest as Michael already slit his throat and was coming down on the leader.

He tried to scream hhheeelll.. but it was futile as just as he was gonna get it out his throat was slit by Michael and he grabbed his throat as he gargled on his own blood and slowly lost the shine in his eyes.

Michael slowly walked out of the tent with blood still dripping from his sword as he walked out he was greeted by the two guards at the door dead also with there throat slit.

" good job lets go see how everybody else is doing " Michael said

Michael and his three warriors walked towards a makeshift town square near the bandit leaders tent were all of his warriors are.

" so how did it go "

" It went better the expected more then half of the camp was asleep so there's only a little more then thirty more combatants up patrolling the perimeter and we are just awaiting your order "

" ok lets move onto them in groups of ten and have them surrender considering none of there remaining groups have more then five men in them "

" yes sir " they all replied

they moved out and subdued the rest of the bandits once they were finished they brought all of the bandits to the square were Michael untied jack and asked him.

" since you were a leader you should know these people point out all the people that like to torture and rape people "

" ok " and out of the 187 people left he pointed out 62 Michael had his men separate them out of the rest and then chose a boy that looks like he was no more then 14 and asked him to do the same and he pointed to the same 62 people and Michael had his men decapitate all of them as the tried to scream with the gags in there mouths and tears running down there faces.

" ok now grab all of the slaves and bring them here "

" yes sir "

and with that they left and brought back the 500 slaves the 500 slaves looked around nervous and scared as they looked at these new people and the headless bodies on the ground one brave slave stepped up and asked what they wanted to do with them.

" my name is Michael and I have a town not far from here and I'm inviting you all to come and join my town "

all the slaves suddenly started to murmur and looks of hope and expectations on there faces that same brave slave stepped forward again and asked

" your really a lord and we can join your town "

" yes " Michael said

and they all cheered and jumped with joy at the chance at have a better life and at there reaction to his offer you can guess that they all accepted his offer.