Ch. 85 'What A Troublesome Foe'

"As you all know, Princess Xiao Yue has woken up from her long sleep. When you get there, you will meet with six other knights."

"Six?! Ugh, six small kids?" Denzel didn't like the idea at all.

"A kid cannot possibly be the Elementalist knights. At least they must reach the age between fifteen to twenty-five." retorted Lionel. "But if there are already six of them, aren't we both unnecessary anymore? Although we will still go there because we have promised Princess Xiao Feng to protect her daughter."

"Remind me why do we have to make this promise again?"

"It's because of Finnick's prophecy. Besides, you're the one urging me to grant the princess's request. Did you forget?"

"Right. Well, you said the prophecy does not necessarily occur."

"I said that?"