( As they let Lee Won leave from the expo auditorium, he walked through the streets happier more than ever & enjoyed the colours around him, and felt the joy of each & every sunlight that felt over him & reached the home & hugged his mom & went to his room for a shower & took his father's old typewriter & started his new creation & later he got his success in the field of writing which was hidden beside him in a unknown corner where he also didn't knew & as said he married the girl Ahn Hye-jin & lived a happy life with his family).
Edge: And the story ends here.
(The crowd who were listening to him suddenly stood up & clapped for him & shouted for him in joy & as a message for his fans Edge said).
Edge: So, guys I have only one thing to tell you
(As the Fan Meeting Con. had ended & Edge was getting his bagpack ready, the reporter who raised the question came to him & asked ).
Reporter: Sir, I thoroughly enjoyed your story. Can I get an autograph on my book?
Edge: Why not? Give me the book.
(Suddenly from the backside of the reporter a voice came).
Voice: Won, how was the fan meeting?
Edge: It was so nice! So many people came by. And Miss reporter that's my wife, Ahn hye-jin.
Reporter: What Ahn Hye-jin? The one from the story you told earlier.
Edge: Yes!
Ahn Hye-jin: Hi there! Am Ahn hye-jin.
Reporter: Hello.
Ahn Hye-jin: Honey, we are getting late & mom is asking for you.
Edge: Okay, I'm coming. Hye-jin are you not forgetting something?
(They both have a kiss in front of the reporter & reporter stands spellbound. And Edge & Hye-jin leave the scene at that moment the reporter realizes that Edge was the real Lee Won in real life & she suddenly flips open the book front & checks the book for a clearance & she finds out its written with love Lee Won).
******** THE END ********
-Voice of Heart-