Gradual changes and twists

Euphrotosh searches for the girl all the way. But he couldn't find her. We are happy when we make others happy that happiness is priceless and we get satisfied when someone thanks us. He found being generous was good so he followed a good nature.

Years passed and now he became very much intelligent. At the age of 12 he was promoted to 6th class. He was shy but a witty person. He was a person who doesn't interfere in others' matters. He used to be quiet always. After a month he gets summer vacation. He went for a south India tour in the summer vacation. It was an amazing experience for him.

after summer vacation he returns to his home and joins back his school. In his school he was late to submit his homework of a strict teacher. so the teacher assign a girl a work to write names of the defaulters. The girl writes everyone's name including his name. He went to her, asks sorry and pleaded to cut off his name. The girl smiles and cut off his name. He thanked her.

suddenly he was shocked by seeing to the girl's eyes. who was that girl...