Chapter sixteen Do you have something to say?

The following morning Susan woke up a little bit late that usual. She stood up look at her reflection in the mirror. She sigh when she see the big eye bag, she look exactly like panda. She closed her eyes to prevent the tears from falling again. She has cried too much what she need right now is to cast aside any thought about Bob.

Since she is healthy now, the next thing for her is to visit the office. By now work would have piled up for her. She went into the bathroom to take care of herself. After bathing and dressed up smartly in a black pant and red shirt,she compliment it with red heels and bag.

She came out of her room down the stairs to the dining area. She met the maid on duty setting the table just in time.

The maid turn around to see her madam coming, she bowed slightly in greeting ; "Good morning madam. "

"Morning Amelia, how are you? "she asked with a beautiful smile.

Amelia was captivated with the smile. She beamed with happiness for the changes in her boss life. Recently she has noticed the good change in this boss of hers. She now talk nicely to people and smile a lot. It was a lot better compare to when she started working in this mansion few month back. She has made her life a living hell and she always ridicule all the maid to nothing, to the extent that you will think of committing suicide but right now she is grateful she changed.

"Am fine madam! thank you for asking" Amelia answered timidly. She felt warm from her heart at least she care about them now.

"You are welcome dear, Amy.... can you go to the guest room and invite my husband for breakfast ? " Susan said while taking a seat.

"Sorry madam! Sir has left almost two hours ago."Amelia answered with sympathy they all know that thing has turn sour between the husband and wife but who are they to meddle in their affairs the least they can do is to pretend they all know nothing, but they all pity their madam. There are many thing that is better left unsaid.

"OK, did he get to eat before leaving? "Susan asked taking a bite out of her toast bread.

" I asked but he said he is OK and will not need anything." she answered truthfully.

"Alright thank you. You can go" ; she dismiss the maid and continue to eat her food with disinterest. She chew the food as if she is eating rubber but she keep eating just to fill her stomach.

She has promise herself that she does not want to e bothered with his matter but deep down within her she has to find another way to pacify him.


After Susan settled down in her office, Emily came in later. She was so happy to see her boss back on her feet, she greet her excitedly ; "Good morning madam, you are welcome back madam."

"morning Emy. Thank you. Please my schedule for today !" Susan asked returning her smile.

"Your schedule today are..... meeting at ten a.m. with Harry corporation from country B and you have lunch date with them later in the day." Emily read out her scheduled for the day to her .

" Is that all?& Susan asked with a frown

"Yes madam! that will be all for now since you just return, I won't want you to be stressed out."

"Thank you, please tell the other secretary to prepare the meeting room for the meeting." Susan instructed . She started typing on her laptop but she noticed that her assistant is not moving ; "Any problem " Susan asked but the later seem lost in thought contemplating on something . She called to her again Emily " Do you still have report to make or something else."

Her statement brought her out of her stupor; "No ma, there is no other report ma but I want to ask how you are fairing? am just concerned if you are very healthy now?" Emily asked belittling herself internally because that is not what she intend to say.

Susan fixed her eyes on her she knows that is not what she want to say but she let it slide, she know when the times come she will open up on whatever is on her mind ; "am perfectly fine Emily and thanks for all your calls and visit, am so grateful ."she answered sincerely.

" That's good then and please take care of your health you scare the hell out of me ma. "she pale when she remembered what Bob said to her been a dead meat.

"Emily I will !stop nagging me now will you?" Susan complained

They both laughed at each other.

Emily took all the necessary files that will be needed for the meeting and left her office with a bright smile.

Susan smiled at her retreating figure before she continue to work on her laptop. she needed to reply some mails that are sent to her inbox. A moment later a knock on the door made her stop

Knock! knock! knock!

"come in! "She answered not stopping what he is doing.

"Ma'am, the meeting is about to start ma." the Secretary called.

"Alright, thank you! I will join everyone soon. " Susan replied .

She stood up from her seat she massage her sore neck and back. The place she used to hit the sofa the other night is still sore a bit. She shook her head to cast out any thought of Bob from her mind. She closed her eyes and remind herself ;" Focus, focus, focus " she murmur to herself. She opened her eyes and plaster a beautiful smile on her face that make her as beautiful as ever. She went out of her office to the meeting room where all the directors are waiting with the representative of harry corporations.

Immediately she entered all others stand up to welcome her back to the office, she smile in return while they all take there seat.

She looked at the acquisition document presented to her. It has been signed by the person concerned. She was suppose to have check the document before her fever but now that the document has been signed she will sent people from her side to go and check their newly acquired subsidiaries abroad.

The two retail company she has just acquired from harry corporations are close to bankruptcy and Susan needed to focus and spend more time in managing them.

She decided to visit the company with her assistant and two other directors that will see to the affairs of the place since the company is far away in country B. She will have hard time in controlling from both side. She was thinking of making the director of marketing department to head the branch . Since they are just planning to branch out in the a country been a man with many experience he will not have problem handling the company from growing in a small time.

"I needed a business proposal for the two companies by next week Monday before our inspection.....The goal is to increase the mid year profit by fifteen percent." She smiled at the group of men and women in the boardroom.

" I want the whole report of market research, development strategies and counter measured of our competitor."she said without stopping what she is doing on her laptop.

"You all have the whole of weekend to come up with better ideal. If am satisfied i will raise all you bonus by Five percent ." She said to them all which cause smile to boom across all of there faces they know how generous she is and she always keep to her words.

"Any question " she asked them

"Yes ma!" director of human resource signifies. " ma you have not choose those that will go with you for the final inspection ."

"Thank you for reminding me but I want to pick anybody with the best proposal they will be the one to follow me and they will have extra five percent bonus. I already have someone in mind that will head the branch when the time comes I will let you know."

Susan's word immediately made everyone's mood to light up and a smile crept to their faces. They are all eager to work in order to be the beneficiary of the bonus.

She rises from her chair, strutter her way out of the meeting room with her assistant in trail leaving the agile directors alone.

A minute later Emily came back to inform them to join the lunch date ; " Ladies and gentlemen Madam Susan has invited all of you to join her for lunch at Spark morning cafe with the representative of Harry corporations to thank you all for your hard work." She turn around and leave the subordinates with their bulging eyes not believing their ears.

Mr Lexus was the one that break the silence ; "am I dreaming?? did the sun rise from the south today?" he asked no one in particular.

Other nod in agreement; "yes!! she seems to have changed a lot . " Director of human resources chimed in.

They all agreed again because the change in her is so obvious now. She talk nicely to others now. Smile a lot and show them respect and reward them generously too.

They all smile at each other for the great change that happens to their boss and thank whosoever that influence her positively.