I saw hatred and disgust in his eyes

No !!! am ready to tell you everything. It is not overdue and I appreciate your understanding, you are one in a million." Jerry smile at her and peck her forehead.

"It started when....." She narrated all the story how her father and the kellys' agree to get their children married to one another saying he is the best and blah...blah...blah, the condition he put in his will and how she was forced to marry him in order to take over her father' s company , how the company boom under her care and later how her marriage started failing...." Susan paused wiping her tears.

Jerry was listening with great interest, thou he knew she married the scum but he never thought her father put a clause in his will in order for her to get married .

" ....he started coming home late, at time he won't come home at all when I confront him one day . He slapped me..." * chuckle* " You won't even believe the arrogant miss Richards getting slapped by her husband. I let it slide but one day he beat me up like a thief asking me to stop pestering him or if I want to have a peaceful home I should stop working and make him the CEO of my father's company but guess what? "

" There is no need to guess I know you refused ." Jerry answered in a weak voice, he was still mad at what he heard.

" Bingo!!..... Imagine how can I allow him to handle my father's company when am doing well making him and Mama proud . I became furious and that's is the beginning of my fail marriage and here I am." She said with a shrug.

" I don't even understand, did he force you into exile or did he threaten you with something. I mean how did you end up here in another country all by yourself without identification, I don't ...."

" I was kidnapped.... "

" You were what? That son of a bitch did what?" he raised his voice in anger before he continue " So you escape here to stay away from him?"

" Far from it Jeremiah !"

" What do you mean? "

" I caught him with my friend after I saw there intimate pictures, my best friend! That very day, I was kidnapped taken to an abandoned warehouse . I was kept there for a whole week since I refused to sign the transfer of ownership and divorce papers. " She said with an indifferent and emotionless voice.

" what no happened? what did that bastard do to you? "

" He bribed one of our maid to poison my mothers tea, he showed me the video if I don't sign it the tea will be served but if I sign it she will live. But that son of a bitch instruct them to give her the tea even after I signed beg and cry on my knees.

He bit the finger that fed him, he betrayed the absolute trust my mother had in him. I watched as she empty the tea cup and there is nothing I can do. He went as far as using all our properties as collateral for bank loan. Do you know what he did after that? " She asked facing Jerry. Jerry shook his head in response.

" I saw total hatred and disgust in his eyes when he asked his goons to shot me. He want me dead not only but my entire family and he succeeded."

Jerry envelop her in a hug, he can not imagine what she has passed through. He blamed himself for being a cowardice , if he has man up and approach her in time she would not have pass through all this. " It is my fault am sorry, am sorry ! " He pleaded pacing a kiss on her hair.

" You don't have to be sorry sweet heart, in wasn't your fault to begin with. " Susan hold his hand and look into his eyes, she know why he was blaming himself.

" Who saved you? " he finally asked the question that was not his mind all this while.

Unknown to them Mrs Tim together with aunty Helen were hiding in a corner listen to all their discussion , thou it was not intentional he just want them to made up their differences but her interest piqued when she started narrating her experience.

They wipe their tears feeling heartbroken for her. " Such a sweet lady got married to a beast." Mrs Tim said wish made aunty Helen nod in agreement.

" I woke up in this country after ......."