" I want you to gain your freedom and loss it in second."

" Don't you think the apology us too late? " Susan said moving closer to her. She signal one of the guys to bring the box on the table closer to her. Jerry sat on the chair provided to him while he was watching his wife in action. He was glad she is on the same page with him, not hating him at all for this dark side of his.

While Susan was busy selecting her tools, Jerry asked one of the the guards to bring Sophia. Sophia was brought out of the cold cell, she was kept in she has being beaten and could not be recognised. She flinched when she saw Jerry and Susan . Susan looked back and they lock gaze.

She smiled at her , not the normal smile that will be make you blush but the deadly smile she has ever seen. She gulp a mouth full of saliva , she was trapped on a chair with a belt without any chance of escape.

Sophia and Clara looked at Susan , the aura surrounding her is different from the humble and meekly. around they use to know. She was standing with her head bow still selecting the tools with keen interest that sent cold shiver down their spine. She is like a she - devil ready to devour them.

" You have not answer my question, have you!? ". Susan asked again moving closer to her with a small size knife. Clara was shivering where she was tied while Sophia can not help but wet her pant. The guards were looking with interest. ' Book should not be judged by his cover. ' said Jack in his head.

He cannot believe the naive looking Lady boss will be this dangerous. He wonder if he has miss anything when he was on mission in country A to keep watch over her. An ear piercing cry brought him out of his thought he lifted up his head to see what the lady boss has done.

The knife Susan was holding has now be embedded in the arm of Clara. She stab her without any mercy. " I heard you refuse to talk ! " She asked casually as if talking to a Friend. Clara who was still sobbing silently quickly shook her head. She is ready to talk now although she has been kept here for a while , they only beat her and nothing more.

Before she open her mouth to say anything , a slap kiss her cheek, making her head tilt to the side. " I want all her finger nails removed if she did not talk after that start removing her teeth one by one and lastly cut off her tongue, she will not be needing it anyway s. "

" Please !!!!! don't do this, please don't do this to me! am ready to talk! Am ready to tel! you everything you need to know. Please don't ....aaaaahhhhhhhhhh! ". He r sentences was cut short with a scream, her toe nail was removed , leaving her in excruciating pain.

In a twinkle of a eye, she spill every thing and. how she black mail, Sophia in cooperating with her cause of her relationship with Jerry. Jerry nod and have everything recorded.

" Please don't hurt me! please she truly blackmail me into doing this, I don't mean any harm please. "

Susan who was approaching her looked at her and grin. " What make you think I will leave you be? Don't you think that is your wishful thinking? " " please I will do anything , just anything for you please! " She continue to beg and cry on her seat.

Clara was released from the chain she dropped to the floor like a bag of garbage. The pain passing through her body was too much for her to bear. She passed out . She was jolt awake when a bucket of cold water was poured on her .

" Please, don't hurt me again! am ready to change. Am ready to do anything for you! I will will down and worship you. I will dedicate all my life in serving you please. Susan please make them stop. Boss please ! please I will do anything just makes them stop. " She was begging with all her strength, she wish the pain to go but it kept coming back. She was breathing only once in a while after another round of beating.

" You were saying something? ". Susan hold her chin so she can look into her face directly. Clara quickly shook her head. She did not want to invoke the wrath of this she - devil again. " Oh! I thought you are pleading just now. Anyways since you said , you are not saying anything I think..."

" Please!!! am sorry. Am ready to serve you all my life. Just let me go. This pain is too much. Am ready to do anything just make they stop, am sorry. " She said in whisper sobbing. " Are you really sure of that? " Clara nod " Are you ready to dedicate your life in serving me as a maid? " Another nod. " Hmmmm! I will have to think about it, because right now I did not see your sincerity. ! "

" Am sincerely. Am ready to serve you please help me. "

" Enough!!!!!! Do you think your crocodile tears will make spare you? In your dreams. Did you remember she also begged you and avoid you like plague so not to cause trouble? ....."

Clara froze on the floor hearing the booming voice of Jerry with so much venom.

" Do you think I did not know how you instigate the other secretaries to avoid her and embarrassed her at a given opportunity. Do you think I did not see when you splash her with mud water on the way. Do you think I did not know when you asked the guards on duty to switch off the light while she was still working overtime? Do you think I did not know every of your schemes? Now how dare you ! How dare you ask for forgiveness. How dare you, how dare you ! Don't you think you are being ridiculous right now! I wish to tear you apart in every given opportunity . ".

Clara has cried even her tears have dried. She know every of it. She regret every singular act . Everything she has done but unfortunately no pill for regret. Sophia who was watching mat the side was so terrified. Although her beating has stopped but the emotional pain she felt looking at this is . She kept praying to all the gods she know for help.

" Sophia Bright!! " ". I.....am....sorry Jerry ...am sorry..."

" Their is nothing like sorry in my dictionary, For the fact that you took part even if you did not touch her you are guilty already. Do you think am naive to drop all the case against you and let you go scout free. * Chuckle * I just want you to gain that freedom and loss your freedom in seconds for life. ". Sophia was so confused by that she did not know the meaning or her brain decide to slow down in processing ' I want you to gain that freedom and loss it in the second for life. '