
As promised Kate was sent to their estate early in the morning while the family was still contemplating to sign the transfer of their shares but they were surprised when someone knocked on their door. " Sir , madam , someone is here to see you sir . " One of the maid announced to the gloomy couple. " OK! let him come in. " Mr Kelly said in coarse voice.

" Good day sir. "

" Who are you, what can we do for you? "

" I am one of the guards in this estate , this morning when I reported to duty I saw someone lying at the gate on closer inspection..... "

" Is the person male or female what dies it look like ? when did you see her? ". Mr Kelly shoot an arrow of questions to the young man, while Mrs Kelly was looking at them in anticipation.

" Take us there now!!" The couple shoot before the guard can even answer . In a twinkle of an eye they are at the gate to inspect the said somebody while police were also informed.

" Oh my God! my God! she is my baby ! our baby! Look at her! look at how battered she is! who could have done this to us! " Mrs Kelly cried in pain while her husband console her. The police arrived to inspect the area and carefully lifted the lady into the stretcher while the ambulance zoom away living dust behind . Bob also came ruining before they all leave for hospital.

" Just find her body or anything that will lead us to the culprit. " Said Bob to the officers waiting at the entrance of the hospital.

" Don't worry ma' am and Sir, we will collect sample and also check for finger prints on her body to help us in catching the culprit. " Said one of the police in charge of the case.

After spending three hours in the operation room to attend to Kate's injured leg, the room finally was punched open. The Kelly's family rushed to meet the doctor to know the state of their princess, Mrs Kelly look like a mess while the men too are no better. " How is my princess doing?!"

" How is my sister doing?!"

" How is my precious doing!?" They all asked in unison. " Calm down ! Are you her family? " They all nod in response " OK! she has a broken ankle and different cut on her body but we have been able to fixed her ankle and all the cuts on her body has been attended to. Those that are deep has been stitched up ." The doctor said to them while they nod in understanding .

" What will happened to her ankle after been healed and the cuts on her body will it leaves scar? " Bob asked with dangerous aura emitting from him . He wish to see the person who has the gut to treat his sister like this.

". The type of fracture she has is called lateral malleolus which means fracture in the fibula, since her ligament is not affected much nothing will happened to her ankle just that she will have the cast on for eight to ten for her bones to heal properly and as for her cuts if she did not infects her wound it will not leave any scar with that she also has to apply scar cream. " The doctor explain to them.

" Thank you doctor , can we see her now? " Mr Kelly asked with worry tone.

" Sure you have to wait till she has been transfered to the ward and don't disturb her she need to rest. "

" Thank you very much sir. "

" You are welcome Master Bob it is my duty. " The doctor excuse himself before the family when after their daughter to her ward.

The family can not help but tear up she they look at Kate wrapped in most part of her body in bandage. " Don't wake her up ! " Mr Kelly snapped at his wife when she started tearing up again.

" Just look at her! look at how my princess was treated ? Look at in bandage! Look at how terrible she is. " She shout making the sleeping Kate frown in her sleep.

" Mom it is OK! don't worry we should be happy that she is here alive without them demanding anything but I promise I will found who so ever plan this and rip him or her apart. " Bob console his crying mother.


Two days later a shocking news rock the whole of country A , on every page of the news paper and every news site were news of some government officials who were arrested for one crime or the other.

This sudden news left the Kelly baffle, everyone of the officials arrested have one connecting with them one way or the other but their is nothing they can do but to lay low till their trial is over they must not associate themselves with those people now so those idiots will not tattle tale about them and their deal.

Those government officials arrested are prosecuted and jail for found guilty of various crimes like bribery and corruption, evade of tax, illegal smuggling and aid and abetting . The Kellys turn their back on them . " We can always make new connections ! , Bob I want you to find out the names of those newly appointed into the office and send them a gift. We have to start from somewhere. ".

" Alright dad, I know what to do. I need to get going now. How is Kate? "

" You mother is with her, she is doing fine. "

" Alright dad. more so how is the investigation going. ? "

" Son? I don't know . I don't understand myself. She knows nothing about their identity, she said she was blindfolded throughout her entire time with them . " Mr Kelly sigh in frustration.

" That is excellent move by them hmmmm! OK Dad don't worry since she is safe now and the doctor said nothing suspicious was found in her blood. Let just hope it is a worst nightmare. "

" I hope so. Anyways when are you coming back? you can leave your wife and the new baby alone for so long. "

" I will be back tomorrow just need to sign the contract this night .....,.I need to go dad talk to you later. "

" Alright son. "


At the other country where Bob went for a business trip. Country Y

" Sorry sir for keeping you waiting . " Bob apologized to the man in front of him .

The man has single handedly picked up his proposal and ready to work with him .

JnS holdings has been flourishing in country Y for some years now but now they plan their debut in country A . JnS holding has won the new government project but need home base company that will work together with them . The two companies will provide the fund for the project on percentages and the gain will be shared accordingly too. Richy corporation was the luck ones among many company who try to curry favour with this new company that has the power and connections to defeat all local companies.

" You don't have to worry yourself Mr Kelly just do you thing. " The man said dismissively.

" Thank you sir! "

" Now back to business, as you know we want to use this business to make our debut in your country . You as a local company has to do your best in helping us executing this project so to help the two companies . As you can see their is nothing to be kept secret, you saw what the government of your country is ready to pay us a d how much we need for the project? " Bob nod his head " So my company will provide 60% and I think you should be able to provide the remaining 40% ? "

" This is huge amount of money we are talking about sir but I will try to look around t...."

" You don't have to stress yourself concerning that, if you can not look for the money we will just consider another company . "

" Nooooo!!nooo! no sir ! I don't mean to say it like . You can do that. what I mean is my company will look for fund . This project will help mine and your company ."

" hmmm! , by the way let sign the contract since we have reached an agreement. "

The contract was brought out Bob read through it satisfying with it he signed without any hesitation. " Alright then , now that we have seal it , you will start the project with your part of fund..."

" What!!! you never said that from the beginning? "

" What do you mean I never said that? I said we will share the fund so it is given you start with your or ate you planing to do something to me after you receive my fund?"

" What are you talking about! ? how will i think of something ? I just thought we contribute the money and start with it . "

" Really? "

" yeah really. " Bob answered with a shrugged .

" Or you are afraid you will not be able to raise the money ? "

Bob look at him with the look of what do you mean.

" Oh! you don't know? I heard you took a loan of huge amount from the bank two years ago. you know am afraid you have noir finish paying up. "

" How did you know that? or is someone trying to bad mouth my company? " Bob said in fear. He really need the company to stabilized the Richy corporation he has lost some project as well as money, the interest he gain from this project will help him to recover all but this man is somehow dangerous and cunning can he be trusted? Bob thought to himself.

," If you can not raise the money just say so I can look for more eligible company I don't have all day. " The man said in cold and impatient tone.

" Don't worry sir my company never took any loan from any bank , so I can get the starting fund. "

" Alright! I just hope you are not lying to yourself. Anyway if you impress me I will increase your shares by two percent and you will be in charge to build my office in your country. " The man said with a smile making Bob happy with the new offer.

" Thank you sir! I promise not to disappoint you. "

" OK . I need to take my leave now and don't worry my own fund will come soon. "

They shake hands and parted ways leaving Bob in cloud nine with his latest achievement.