Trouble Like Her Mother (2)

'Pfft. Haven't you heard? It's actually Su Xiaofei's mother who owns all the properties they have. I heard from a reliable source that her mother is a daughter of a high-ranking general.'

'If that's the case, no wonder he's still refusing to sign those papers. After cheating on his wife, he still has the audacity to ask for compensation?'

'Let's talk about how he got the balls to cheat on a daughter of a general. He's fearless, don't you think?'

'No wonder Schoolmate Ye could be this shameless. She got a pair of shameless parents to begin with!'

'You know, even though I don't like Su Xiaofei's attitude, I despise foxes like Ye Mingyu. If I were in Su Xiaofei's shoes, I would have already slapped this shameless little girl.'

'Hey, now, poster above. You might need to be careful with your words. If you are a girl, Ye Mingyu would make the guy you like hate you.'

"+1 for the poster above! Ye Mingyu just did it the day before to my friend!'