In Another Life (1)

After they dropped Xi Qian at her home, Lu Qingfeng accompanied Su Xiaofei for a short walk in the garden of Yun Mansion. Yun Qingrong had already been notified of their arrival, so it didn't matter if Su Xiaofei stayed a little late with Lu Qingfeng to talk.

"Aren't you going to tell me something?" Lu Qingfeng questioned, testing the waters to see if Su Xiaofei would reveal some of her thoughts to him.

Since he was also reborn like her, he knew of her real relationship with Qiao Fengying and Qiao Yuhan, and why she was acting like this tonight.

"Nothing. Just some thoughts that have yet to settle in my mind." She shrugged as she took a seat on the wooden swing she and Lu Qingfeng used to play with when they were younger.

The wooden swing was tied to a high branch of a tree in their garden and this was where Su Xiaofei used to sit when she was trying to clear her thoughts when she was still living here with her mother in her past life.