Being With You (1)

Su Xiaofei felt that days were passing too quickly for her liking. With Qin Muyao officially signing under Bluemedia as her artist, she found herself occupied throughout the week. The Qiao family also stayed for another week and Su Xiaofei had to meet Qiao Yuhan in the afternoons while Xi Qian and Lu Qingfeng weren't around to accompany her after classes.

On top of that, she also needed to continue her visits at Bluemedia, under the guise of a prospective recruit that was about to join the company. Until now, Xiao Rufeng had no idea that the person who had been giving her private lessons on Saturdays was the daughter of the CEO at all.

However, now, as she looked at the syllabus of the things she needed to review before her entrance exam, Su Xiaofei thought she would have a mental breakdown soon. Neither Lu Qingfeng nor Xi Qian were free, and she could only rely on herself.