Don’t Want to Say Goodbye (1)

Su Xiaofei only asked her mother about it out of curiosity, but she still couldn't help but feel moved hearing that Yun Qingrong hadn't treated her lesser, despite her not being her mother's biological child.

She briefly wondered if Yun Qinrong wasn't the one who adopted her, and if she was taken in by another family, there was a chance that she would also experience the same despair the female protagonist had.

Maybe she would be hated by the biological children of her adoptive parents too and they might even abuse her behind their parents' backs. It was a common thing that could happen with adoptive children that were treated well by their foster parents anyway.

"Why did you ask, Feifei? Are you perhaps interested in meeting your real parents?" Yun Qingrong treaded carefully, wanting to know what made her daughter ask her such a question out of the blue.