Is She Worth the Trouble? (3)

Su Xiaofei was still itching to interrogate Lu Qingfeng for answers, but given how persistent the Ouyang family members were to have a word with him, she was starting to feel annoyed that she couldn't have him for herself on her own birthday. Master Ouyang had called for Lu Qingfeng earlier.

Because of this, she had lost count of how many glasses of champagne she had already downed that night. She kept glancing in Lu Qingfeng's way, waiting to see if he would be done with the pleasantries soon.

She was the birthday celebrant, and yet her companion's attention was being pulled away by others. Lu Qingfeng came back for her, and she didn't like that she needed to compete to get his attention.

Lu Qingfeng, who was still talking to Master Ouyang and his son, looked at Su Xiaofei's direction, his gaze softening at the sight of her. She wasn't the only one who had been longing, as he had badly missed her as well.