Send Everyone to Hell (2)

Indeed, Tang Liyan had been silent all this time, allowing Su Xiaofei to deal with the problem. She was impressed by how the younger woman was able to turn the situation to their advantage.

As she looked at the stylist, kneeling on the ground, asking for her forgiveness, a feeling she couldn't explain washed through Tang Liyan. It reminded her of several painful memories and how she had been a coward when she faced them.

If Su Xiaofei hadn't stepped up for her today, what would happen to her and her young assistant? She couldn't even protect Zhao Jingmei from being falsely accused by these people!

The more she thought about it, the more Tang Liyan felt angry. Angry not only to these horrible people, but also to herself. Did they think she was a pushover that could be easily bullied at their will?