Paternity Test (1)

Meeting Qiao Fengying this time felt odd for Su Xiaofei, now that her real father knew about her existence. How was she supposed to face him now? She hadn't known what it felt like to be loved and doted by a father, and wondered if Qiao Fengying would treat her the same as before.

As she waited for her father to arrive, she and Lu Qingfeng sat in the hallway where her blood and Qiao Fengying's blood were to be tested to confirm his paternity. Su Xiaofei already knew the inevitable result, but her heart was thumping loudly in her chest, making her doubt what she was even feeling at the moment.

They didn't wait for too long as Qiao Fengying, along with his wife and Qiao Yuhan came to see her. The three had rushed to Qiying City after Qiao Fengying talked to Yun Qingrong a day before.