Moving Forward (1)

Su Xiaofei woke up to the sound of pounding waves. Next to her, Lu Qingfeng slept with one arm propped over her belly, his nakedness barely covered by the tangled sheet. Through the thin curtains, she could see the sunlight piercing through it, illuminating their suite.

She sighed as she realized that they only had a day to enjoy themselves here and needed to return home. She had no doubt that the amount of work waiting for her would be astronomical. Thankfully, her assistant was capable of rescheduling the meetings she had, and she wouldn't need to bring those paperwork home.

She laid on her side, staring at her husband's handsome face. Lu Qingfeng was obviously younger than her, but he was more mature in thinking that sometimes, she couldn't help but rely on him. When she was reborn, she was filled with bitterness and anger, but now, she only wanted to be a better daughter to her mother and be the good wife she could be to Lu Qingfeng.