There’s Only You (2)

By the time Xiao Rufeng's conversation with her father was over, he requested to have a private talk with Yan Xiuchen. Xiao Rufeng wasn't sure if that was a good idea, but she had no other choice but to let Yan Xiuchen inside her father's room and wait downstairs.

She opened the glass sliding door of their sitting room and stepped out onto the cobblestone pathway that led to the gardens where she used to hide when she was younger. Her head occupied with her father's words earlier, she turned back to stare at the starless sky heavenward.

Xiao Rufeng had grown up and spent a lot of her childhood years in this place, yet she didn't feel at home compared to when she was at Yan Xiuchen's mansion. It was surprising to think that if proven right, Xiao Yunyao would be kicked out of their home and would be stripped of her family name. She had never seen her father that angry for as long as she could remember.