Tearing Apart (1)

Su Xiaofei crawled over her husband, yawning as she tucked the blanket to cover her bare chest. She searched their room for her panties, which Lu Qingfeng had flung off somewhere hours ago. She found it at the foot of the bed, chuckling as she picked it up and put them back on.

Making love to her husband after weeks of abstinence was like experiencing the first spring night once again. Lu Qingfeng had been gentle with her, although she was deeply aware that he was merely reining his self-control for her sake.

Lu Qingfeng's hand reached for her, his eyes closed.

"Come back to bed, Feifei. It's still too early." He murmured.

"I can't," she said, moving to his side to press a kiss on his cheek. "I need to accompany Mama for breakfast. You sleep, though. You were up until late last night, working."