Yours Alone (1)

Why would she worry about Li Xiran meeting another woman? Xi Qian thought. They weren't in an exclusive relationship and she wouldn't stop him from seeing others. However, a bitter feeling settled in her stomach as she imagined Li Xiran with someone else. Did she somewhat grow some feelings for him?

"Are you alright? I can send you home now, if you're tired." Xi Qian heard Li Xiran say next to her. She shook her head in response.

"No. Let's stay a little longer, shall we? It's not everyday that you get to meet up with your friends like this, right?" She replied.

Su Xiaofei said that some of their companions had flown in from Shenjing just to meet them. From the looks of it, it was obvious that Li Xiran had been enjoying the conversation he was having with his friends. She had never seen him as easy going and comfortable as this. It would be too selfish of her to deny him this moment with his brothers.