Surreal Dream (2)

Lu Qingfeng arrived home and found his wife already asleep on their bed. Su Xiaofei had a slight fever that morning, which immediately sent him and Xi Qian into panic, fearing that the first dose of medicines Han Zijun had given to her wasn't working.

He had given the doctor a call and informed him of his wife's condition, only to be told that Han Zijun had expected it to happen and they could only wait and see how Su Xiaofei's body would react to a small dose of medicine that would force the poison out of her system.

"It's her body finally registering that a harmful substance has entered its system. Since her body is focused on nourishing the children in her womb, it would take some time for it to react to the cold poison. Su Xiaofei had once been infected with it years ago, right? I suppose that her body should somewhat acclimate to it." Han Zijun said earlier.