Road to Stardom (1)

Xiao Rufeng decided to accompany Yan Xiuchen that day. Although it was Sunday, the man still had commitments he needed to fulfill. After his hour-long video conference, Yan Xiuchen invited her to go out for a walk, although he specifically implied that it was more like her accompanying him to work.

Before going out, he asked her for a favor to put some concealer over his scars because he intended to do a secret inspection at a townhouse he recently acquired that was located in a high end, executive village. She gladly accepted his request and immediately started working on his face.

"Are you sure you'd rather go with me than see your sister's trial?" He asked as Xiao Rufeng focused her attention on his face. She looked so serious as she applied makeup on his face.

"What for? The media will be providing us with the details of the trial anyway." She shrugged. "I only intend to see how it will end once the jury delivers their verdict."