The Tyrant in Me (1)

The next day, Su Xiaofei was still asleep on their bed when Lu Qingfeng received a phone call from Yun Xiang. Apparently, his wife's cousin had finally managed to find where Chen Hao was hiding. Yun Xiang called to ask what Lu Qingfeng wanted to do next.

"You are right. He's hiding in one of his secret properties. I'm now coordinating with someone at the police station to make a raid tonight and see if Chen Hao has the antidote we need. Chen Hao supposedly runs a club. It makes a lot of money, but isn't a very popular place. We are confident that his club is merely a front, but you've provided enough evidence for us to incriminate him." He said.

Lu Qingfeng said nothing and considered his choices. He knew that he wouldn't be satisfied seeing Chen Hao behind bars for daring to harm not only Su Xiaofei, but also their children. His whole body was eminating murder intent.