Chapter Nine

"Stop!" It was feminine, aggressive and soft at the same time.

When John began turning to look who interrupted him he thought,'That's much cooler.' Once he turned around completely he asked the woman,"May I know who interrupted my interrogation?"

The woman had long curly black hair, and flawless white skin. Her eyes were big and had an unusual color of red. "My name is Charlotte and I have to-"

"Charlotte!" Chris' voice rang out as he ran passed John to hug his sister. "I'm so glad you're alright!"

"Christopher! What are you doing here?"

John was confused for a moment, before ordering the droids to stand down. 'I forgot we were here for his sister...' he looked down at his hand. '...but now I know why the Sith crave power. It feels good.'

Unknown to John, at that moment, body changed, into something that's as no longer human...

(I know that's not how it works, but it is for John. I just didn't want him to be human anymore.)

As John watched the brother and sister interact, he got bored quickly. "Chris, bring your sister. We are leaving this place."

Charlotte looked at her little brother. "Chris, do you...serve this monster?"

He nodded. "Lord Thane said he would help me take you from this noble."

Charlotte sighed. "Little brother, I chose to be here, to save our parents. To save you..." she laid her hand on his shoulder. "Do you not understand that?"

Chris shrugged of her hand, grabbing it, pulling her to John. "Master, let's go."

John nodded, commanding the droids to his side.

Somehow, Arthur managed to stand up, with the help of his comrades, he watched as they dragged Charlotte away.

John turned to look at everyone. "In case any of you are thinking to follow us..." he lifted one of the soldiers into the air, activating his lightsaber. "...don't." He dragged the soldier onto the blade of the saber, before deactivating it, walking away.

[Drunk Level 8 Soldier Killed: 35 Experience]

Arthur flinched as he tried to move. "Arthur, what are you trying to do?" A soldier asked him.

He turned to the man. "Inform Count Scion when he returns that someone took his concubine. I'm going to find someone."

"Who?" As the mages present began to heal Arthur, he sighed.

"My grandfather." Over the next few days, Arthur healed up quickly, leaving on his journey, which would take two months at the most.


As they arrived back at the outpost, John called a meeting of everyone present. He assigned Chris to watch his sister, making sure she wouldn't escape.

"Everyone, I have decided on a new name... one of combination with two theological beings I've learned of." Everyone listened. They wanted to know their chief's new name after all.

"My name, will be Lord Thane. That is all." John changed his last name to Thane. As he walked into the tower, he climbed to the top, sitting down on his bed. 'I'm so tired.' He removed his gloves and helmet, noticing his hands had turned red.

Turning to a mirror the bandits had stolen months prior to his arrival, John noticed his skin was deep red, and his eyes a dim yellow.

'What the hell?' He rubbed his face, and felt his skin was a bit coarse.

[Notice: John has become a Pureblood Sith due to recognition of power.]

John sighed. "At least I'm not dying." He laid down and went to sleep.

After that, a few weeks passed as John became somewhat fond of Chris. Hosea was building him an army of droids, and they would destroy anyone who got in his way.

Once he got a cloning facility however, he could abandon the droid factory and the army, maybe causing someone to start a war with them in the future.

John and the 4 ARC troopers constantly discussed vehicles that would be needed sooner rather than later.

Fix, a trooper that could always get some schematics for something, quickly Star the d on the clone gunships.

[Time before Fix finishes Republic Attack Gunship blueprint: two months.]

[Quest Complete: Fortune and Capital: Sudden spike of gold from Mr. Bonaparte... 44,000 gold coins]

John laughed for a moment as he sat at his new desk. "He must've been paid a lot for something." Using the force, he sent a message to Chris, telling him to come up the tower, and that it was fine to bring his sister.

'System, how much would it cost to build one temple?'

[Temple Blueprint: Cost 20,000 to build, takes six months to finish.]

The door opened and Chris came in, along with his sister, who he had handcuffed. "Lord Thane." He bowed.

John waved his hand and his sister's handcuffs came off. "Tell me something, Chris..." he took off his helmet, laying it on his desk, but he didn't turn to face them. The hood still covered his head. "...if your sister tried to kill me, what would you do?"

Chris looked at John, and at Charlotte. "I...I..."

"Don't answer." John raised his hand, lifting Charlotte into the air. "What if I was to kill her?"

Chris just stood silently as John turned around. "Nothing? Well then..." he activated his lightsaber and put Charlotte on her knees. "I guess-"

"I'll kill you." Chris spoke. "I swear if it's the last thing I do..." he took out the vibroknife. "...I'll kill you!" He charged at John, who flung him across the room.

Two commando droids jumped out of nowhere and aimed there vibroswords at Chris. "Do not kill him, 01. That was the outcome I wanted." John put away his lightsaber and forced Chris and his sister into seats. "If you two could wield my power, would you want to learn it?" He removed his hood. "Even at the cost of corruption?"

Chris immediately nodded his head. "If it meant I could protect my sister, I'd do anything." He turned to Charlotte, who couldn't speak due to John keeping her mouth shut.

He allowed her to speak. "Absolutely not! A man came to Count Scion's mansion once able to do what you've done! It's evil. You Jedi are all scum!"

John looked at her for a moment, before breaking out into laughter, decomposing shortly after. "I'm sorry, my dear..." he began to choke her. "...but if you ever call me a Jedi again, I'll kill you."