Chapter Twelve

John climbed out of the bath, confident in his athletic yet slim dark red body, causing Charlotte to look away.

He pretended to get a different set of clothes, although he just put his normal ones back on. The door opened just as he finished fixing up. "Ah, Chris, come in." He said.

He came in and kneeled before John. "Master. I went back to the outpost, and like you said, people were still investigating it. I think they may have noticed me, but no one followed me back."

"Stand, Chris." John said as he took a seat in a chair. "I have appreciated all you've done for us, really. If it wasn't for that tax collecter-" John stopped from a moment and began rubbing his chin. "...the tax collector. Tell me, Chris, have you seen the tax collector since I held him against his will?"

Chris shook his head. "He was probably imprisoned when he made that deal to come back later."

"Good, good." John rubbed his chin before looking over to Charlotte. "What do you think we'll have to do to your sister should she not pick our side?"

Chris looked at her. "We'll have to..." he looked at the ground.

John laughed a bit. "We will keep her imprisoned. I'm sure that noble she is a concubine of enjoyed her the most."

Chris looked up. "What do you mean?"

John stood up and walked over to a desk in the room, opening it and putting his hand in, taking the blue Kyber out of his inventory. "Chris, I want to show you this." He used the force to make the Crystal levitate in the air.

"What is it?" Chris asked curiously. "It's seems like it's just a crystal."

John shook his head. "No. Focus on the Crystal. The energy it contains, only then you will know. Imagine it is a living organism, like a plant."

Chris did what his master told him to. He focused on the Crystal and he began to see the Kyber Crystal glow a bit. "What's it doing, Master?"

"Living." He put the Crystal away in his inventory, making it look like he put it in the desk. "Well, it's somewhat living. It's the very thing that powers my lightsaber, Chris, and it could power yours, too."

Chris' eyes shone. "You mean..."

John nodded. "Chris, I built this temple to train 20 people in the ways of a secret art, known only by me, and possibly a few others in this world. I want you to try learning this art, and if you can, you'll be able to create your lightsaber. If not..." he looked at Charlotte. "... it won't be pleasant for either of you."

Chris bowed. "I won't let you down. By the way, Master..." he looked at his sister again. "...why is my sister chained up in your room?"

"We don't have a prison, and I don't know if you may try to let her out or not. I can't be too careful. Besides, sometimes the best guard is the warden." He gagged her mouth with cloth before she could speak. "Now go begin training. You'll find everything in the library."

After Chris left, he turned to Charlotte taking out the gag. "Let me ask you something. Do you think Chris or yourself is stronger?"

Charlotte looked into John dim yellow eyes. "Me, because I'm not blinded by a power I can't-" he slapped her.

"'I'm not blinded... blah... blah... blah...' Is that all you can say? You're a broken record! Say something new." He stared at her.

"Is there anyway for me to kill you?" She mumbled.


"Is there anyway for me to kill you?!?" She screamed.

John did the Kyber Crystal trick on her too. "There is only one way. The code of the Sith. An apprentice will eventually strike down the master. You could take my offer, and join your brother by my side, to maybe one day kill me." He turned away from her, knowing the cuffs were loosening a bit. "I'll let you think about it." He walked out of the room, living the desk drawer open.

Charlotte looked at the desk. 'Now's my chance!' She finished loosening the cuffs attached to the chains, releasing herself. She quietly made her way over to the desk, noticing nothing was in the drawer. "What?"

A red blade activated across her throat, barely an inch from her skin. "What, indeed. I thought you would wait a bit longer, but clearly you are eager to leave." He sniffed the air, noticing her rotten smell. "Geez, take a bath while you're out of your chains. I'll have Emilia bring you a fresh change of clothes. Don't think of getting out either, my droids will knock you out if you leave this room."

He left and told Emilia, who immediately went up the temple to his room to help her.

[Main Quest Activated: The Sister's Trust: Gain Charlotte's trust before building your first one thousand clones.]