Chapter Twenty-Five

John looked at the quest and it's rewards.

"I've been meaning to ask..." he claimed himself down. "...why haven't I been getting experience from kills?"

[Past Level 50, all Experience is gained through Quests or Discoveries.]


[Unknown {Places}, {Objects}, {Abilities}, or {Blueprints} found by Darth Thane.]

"I'm guessing I just lost control of my feelings because of my body being that of a Sith?" John looked down at the vault as an LAAT circled around the now topless tower, dropping off Jinx. It hovered, waiting for his return.

"General." Jinx handed him a black lightsaber. "We found this in a museum-like area. Thought you might want to see it."

The lightsaber was simple in design, looking like a black rod with silver accents. John ignited the blade. "Have you collected the rest?"

He stared at it as the purple blade rose from the hilt.

"No, sir. We're still collecting the sabers, but most of the Jedi are dead, and the younglings and padawans that wish to join you have been collected."

John disabled the saber and put it on his side before putting his helmet back on and crossing his arms. "Set up a base inside the temple for now. We'll leave once I'm done here."

"Yes, sir."

Once Jinx left, John ripped the door of the vault off with the force, throwing it into the surrounding large forest.

It traveled down for a while, looking almost bottomless. "I guess there's only one way to go." He took a deep breath before jumping into the hole.


Obadiah, Arthur, and the Mage Yuri travelled through a small town a long distance from the temple.

Suddenly, Obadiah grabbed his head, sitting down quickly.

"Is everything alright, grandfather?" Arthur asked as he stopped.

Obadiah shook his head. "No. I feel a great disturbance in the force. Like the Jedi at the temple were suddenly wiped out, like a spec of dirt in an ocean. Even Oryx..."

"Take a breath, master." Yuri said softly. "We don't know for sure if that's what's happened. After all, that hooded figure is still following us."

Obadiah looked over Yuri's shoulder, and did see the hooded figure. "Just ask them who they are. I want to return to the temple as soon as possible."

Yuri nodded, and noticed the figure was already walking towards them.

Arthur unsheathed his sword as he pointed it at the figure in the middle of town. "Who are you, and what do you want with my grandfather?"

The hood on the figure dropped, and Charlotte stared at the man. "I'm here to deliver a message." She took out a puck and laid it on the table.

A hologram showed up, and it looked exactly like John in his armor. Since he is currently falling, this is a pre-recorded message.

"Hello, Jedi Master Obadiah. In current time, one of my apprentices is showing you this message, meaning I was right about their betrayal. I was planning to raid the Jedi temple after you were warned, but decided to go ahead and raid it."

"Your apprentices are either dead or mine to train. My Sith Empire will be built on the bodies of your Jedi, and on the ashes of this world. The humans, the elves, you..." John's hologram clenched his fist. " one can stop me. Also, Charlotte, you should've waited until you were further along in your training.


John landed at the bottom of the pit and activated his red saber. It illuminated a giant door, which he promptly cut a giant hole in. He pushed it in, unveiling a room which quickly came to life. Lights illuminated everything.

There was a table lined with lightsabers and they sat in front of a large pod which seemed to be from an ancient era.

John ignored the lightsabers for a moment as he walked into the pod, seeing it completely empty. "This must be what the Jedi arrived 2,000 years ago." He flipped a few switches and nothing turned on. "I should've expected it'd be dead."

He left the pod and tried out all the lightsabers. "Blue, blue, green, blue, green, black, green, blue..." John stopped for a moment. "...Black?"

[Kyber Crystal Discovered: Black Kyber Crystal. 5,000 Experience.]

"Store the Experience for now."

[Storing. Stored Experience Increase: 16,400 -> 21,400.]

The lightsaber had a matte grey hilt with some weathering on it, and it looked like a normal lightsaber.

"It's not the Dark-Saber, but it's still cool." He put it on his side as well before looking at the two plain walls. "Hmm."

John placed his hand on the wall and pressed against it, forcing it to shatter after a few force pulses.

The wall fell apart, revealing an giant pile of gold.

"Woah." John threw off his helmet as he laid down on the gold.

[Would you like to claim: 3,400,000 gold?]

"Claim it later. I wanna sleep on it first."


"You couldn't have showed us this earlier?" Arthur asked as he was about to swing his sword.

"I only started following you recently. The one following you the last three weeks was my brother. I even left my lightsaber and students at the temple to bring your this."

Charlotte put her hood back on as she began walking away. "I don't think you know how terrifying Darth Thane is. My master will kill even me if I get in his way, and I-"

Charlotte felt her throat being strangled by a hand, and slowly fell on her knees. Yuri ran over to her as Charlotte collapsed.

"Charlotte?" Yuri shook her for a moment before looking at Obadiah. "She's dead. That means Darth Thane is the same man who killed Kuro."

Chris watched them from a behind a building before walking towards a nearby LAAT.

"Commander Chris, where is Commander Charlotte?"

Chris stepped onto the LAAT next to the Shadow Trooper. "Let's return to the Elf city. The traitor has been dealt with."

"Yes, sir."