
As Gin watched Danzo depart, his half closed eyes opened fully, revealing a cold and callous gaze. While he, was still searching for his purpose of existence, his reason for reincarnation and displayed occasional bursts of kindness, he was at the end of the day a killer. While the five years under the care of Elderly woman, and him getting exposed to various relationships, softened him slighlty, it didn't take away the killing intent he had built up from the centuries he strived to kill Aizen. '..Danzo.....'

He decided to leave the Danzo matter aside for the time being, afterall he didn't know anything about the man.

He walked towards his house. As he reached the entrance he saw an exteremely tired and exhausted Obito. Obito's face was beet red, and his cloths were drenched in sweat. He looked like the smallest breeze could knock him down.

"...*pant* ....Gin...*pant*.....I can...*pant*...make a small firebal...." Obito spoke, whilst panting heavily.

"Really?" Gin inquired, curiously.

"..Yeah...*pant*.... I'll *pant*.... tom.." Obito couldn't even finish his sentence, before feel unconscious and collapsed on the courtyard.

Gin quickly rushed to help him up and took him to his bed. After putting Obito to sleep, he went to find the elderly woman.

'She's not home....?' Gin thought to himself, as he searched the entire house. '....She's never out after dark...'

Being alone again, Gin's thoughts began to wander. '..Should I learn how to use chakra....?'

Thinking back to his conversation with Might Duy, Gin couldn't help but think of something Duy said. 'What if the day I find something to protect, I find my strength lacking..?'

"Ara, Gin you did I worry you?" As Gin waited on the steps to his house, a voice woke him from his daze. It was the elderly woman holding bags filled with grocery.

Gin quickly recieved a few bags and took them to the kitchen. "Gin, where's Obito?"

"Ah, he was training a bit too hard and collapsed from exhaustion, but don't worry he just needs some rest." Gin spoke trying to alleviate some of her worries.

"That fool.....thank you for taking care of him Gin. You really are a wonderful brother." Spoke the elderly woman, as she ruffled Gin's hair in the form of a pat.

She went to Obito's room and found him snoring after which she headed back to the kitchen and began to cook.

"...Grandma, do you want me to be a ninja?" Gin asked suddenly.

The elderly woman suddenly stopped in her tracks, taken aback by the question. She then looked at him and smiled. "I want you to be happy."

'Happy?' Gin replied with a smile. "Thank you."

After Gin ate the food prepared by his Grandmom, he headed back to his room, and pulled out the hidden scroll. 'I've decided. This life I've gotten may be a mistake. I may have no place to call home, nor people to call family. I may have no one to protect or save. But right now, I have peace, and I'm going to protect this peace that belongs to me. For that I need strength.'

He unfurled the scroll and began to go through the content. "You knead chakra into fire and expel it from your mouth, to creat a Fireball."

'Sounds like Kido.' Gin, thought back to his days at Shino Academy. 'The first step is to feel the chakra coursing through my body.'

Gin allowed his sense to merge with the surroudning, as his mind entered his body. Gin could feel an ethereal substance coursing through his body. 'Knead...?' Gin mentally commanded and wished for his chakra to turn into fire, but it remained unchanged.

'The sign to check for success of kneading is to check, whether or not you can feel an ethereal ember in your body....' Gin tried to mold the chakra into embers, but it remained unchanged. '....Could it be the hand seal...'

'Wait!! I got it. I was too used to casting Kido without incantations that I forgot how I learned them. The basics of Kido were incantation, and then I moved up to wordless casting. The equivalent of incantations is hand seals.' Gin, quickly perfomed the initial hand seals, and he could feel the chakra in his body was suddenly thrown into a disarray, before it started molding itself. Soon he felt, a small ember floating in his body.

'If I open my mouth, I can spit out flames. I can feel it.' Gin quickly canceled the jutsu, as he didn't wish to burn his house down. 'I'll head down to the lakeside tommorow and try it out..'

"Alright mister, lights out. No staying up on a school night." The Elderly woman shouted from the hall.

"Yes, Grandma." Replied Gin.




"Jiraya, shall I put them out of their misery?" A pale skinned man with long black hair and a slithering tongue, spoke to white haired man. The pale skinned man seemed to be looking towards a group of three children.

"Orochimaru, they are kids...." The white haired man intervened. He looked the group of three, and could see their despair, frustration and fear. "I'll take care of them..."

"....War has made you soft Jiraya..." The pale man, Orochimaru spoke, as he released his killing intent ever so slightly.

"Tsunade, Orochimaru, leave. I told you I'll handle this...." The white haired man replied, as he began to slowly release his chakra towards Orochimaru.

'I have no intention of getting into a fight with this true goal awaits me back in the village.' Orochimaru, withdrew his killing intent and started walking ahead, leaving Jiraya behind.

'This war should've given Danzo and Root plenty of oppurunities. I hope Danzo, has found a suitable Uchiha body for me....' The grin on Orochimaru's face grew wider and more menacing.

Once Orochimaru left, Jiraya turned towards the three children and spoke. "Haha, sorry about my colleague. He's a bit weird."

"So will you give us any food?" Asked a orange haired boy, roughly ten years old.

"Even better." Smirked Jiraya. "I'll teach you guys how to take care of yourselves in the future."

"Now tell me your names." Asked Jiraya curiously.

The orange haired boy was the first to reply. "My name is Yahiko, and I'm the leader."

The blue haired girl meekly replied. "..My.. name is Konan."

The red haired, silent boy softly spoke. "I'm Nagato."

"Alright. You can call me Jiraya-sensei." Laughed Jiraya, as he gave a thumbs up towards his three new disciples.



The council of elders sat around a table, discussing the future of the village.

One of the elders with a beard, spoke. "The civillians are rioting..."

Another elder wearing a loose kimono spoke. "The Shinobi World War is coming to a end, and this is bad for us."

The elder with the beard rubbed his chin as he looked towards the Kimono wearing Elder. "Explain."

"Konohagakure, will probably emerge as the victors of this war, and Sunagakure is on the losing side. Iwagakure is possibly the only nation that can threaten Konohagakure at this point. Our nation on the other hand suffers from civil unrest, a missing mizukage and a lack of shinobi." Sighed the kimono wearing elder.

A female elder spoke up. "So if any of the other nations attack, we'll be left vulnerable?"

"Yes and No. We still have a pool of highly skilled shinobi, and our secret weapon the 'seven ninja swordsman of the mist'. Each nearly as skilled as a Kage." Spoke the Kimono wearing elder.

"You are mistaken on that point. Even Third Mizukage was barely able to control them. They only bow down to might, and not us elders who hold political power, as compared to personal strength." The bearded elder interjected.

"Exactly" Spoke the Kimono wearing elder.

The kimono wearing elder went on to explain. "We need to accomplish three things to comeback on top. Firstly, we revoke our academy graduation tradition. It is the cause of two of our problems, the civil unrest and lack of shinobi. Secondly we need to elect a new Mizukage. Although I don't have a candidate in mind right now, we have two exceptional youths."

"Number 1, is Yagura Karatachi, as exceptionally talented student. He's capable of using highly complex water style ninjutsus and incorporating it with his bukijutsu."

"Number 2 is Zabuza Momochi. He ripped through all the currently graduating hundred students, and is main cause for public outrage at our tradtion. While making him a Mizukage candidate might not help us, we can always place him in the 'Seven Swords'. This would also allow us more authority and control over the 'Seven'."

"That being said, both these youths can only take up the mantle of Mizukage after a couple of years of vigorous training." Sighed the Kimo wearing elder. "We are still lacking a solution for our problems right now."

"Then what do you suggest?" Asked the council of elders, respectfully.

"We need someone to act as the Third Mizukage. Preferably someone with a strong genjutsu." Spoke the Kimono wearing elder.

"Third thing on our agenda is to weaken konohagakure. We need to deploy the 'Seven', and assassinate a few talented Jonin alongside the Hokage. Only then will we have evened the playing field, but we need to wait. Now is the time of war, their security is probably on high alert and we have our own internal mess to sort out." The Kimono wearing elder, finally finished speaking.

"Then we'll proceed with this plan. Anyone with an objection please raise your hand." The council of elders agreed on the plan, as no member raised their hand in objection.