
Konohagakure Ninja Academy

"Kakashi and Gin. The two of you stay back after class ends today." Spoke the homeroom teacher, Shin lazily.

"Gin do you know what this is about?" Obito whispered to Gin. 'Did he get into trouble?'

"I don't know" Replied Gin. 'What could it be about? Even Kakashi was asked to stay back.'

The entire class became curious, but as children often are, they forgot about it by the end of the class.

In the empty class, Kakashi and Gin waited.

"Hello my name is Gin." Gin spoke, with his eyes half-closed and a wide smile hanging on his face.

"Kakashi." Spoke the white haired youth, almost completely disinterested in the conversation.

Gin smiled, not minding Kakashi's disinterest in conversing with him any further.

After a brief while, Instructor Shin entered the room. "Well I'm sure both of you want to know why you are here. The main reason is that I've deemed both of you fit to be Genin."

Kakashi quickly interjected in confusion. "Shin-sensei, I thought becoming a Genin meant that we graduated the Academy."

Gin listened to conversation with a smile.

"You are right under normal circumstances, but both you have shown exceptional abilities, in the fields of ninjutsu and shurikenjutsu. Remaining in the Academy for the purpose of only theoretical knowledge, will halt your growth as a ninja." Spoke Shin, explaining the situation.

"Shin-sensei, but won't Genins be drafted for war?" Asked Kakashi.

'What a perceptive child. He knows the disadvantages of graduating early.' Shin spoke, raising his eyebrows in interest. "That bring me to my second point. I want you to decide if you want to become Genins or not, because like Kakashi said you might be drafted for the current war. Although the missions won't be severe considering your rank as Genins, it's still a battlefield where anything can happen."

'I know that the Second Shinobi World War is going on right now, but I haven't been able to gather any information about.' Gin thought about the time, he went to the Konoha public library to access the war records, but only the information about the First Shinobi World War was being given out. 'Is Konohagakure facing a short of ninja?'

"Shin-sensei, I want to graduate and become a Genin." Kakashi, suddenly replied sternly.

"Really? Have you thought it through?" Asked Shin, wanting a reconfirmation.

"Yes Shin-sensei. I believe I'll gain more experience on the battlefield than in the classroom." Spoke Kakashi proudly.

'You still have a long way to go young one. I remember the first time I saw a dead body. I puked for three entire days, but the war will toughen you.' Sighed Shin, his eyes gradually moved towards the second boy. 'This boy always gives me the creeps. I've been obeserving him ever since, his reply of 'wanting to lead a normal life'. His facial expression never changes, half-closed eyes and that everpresent smile.'

'Even Lord Danzo asked me to tail him, and his talents are truly remarkable. Just his chakra reserves are that of a Chunin. If he chooses to graduate, I'll do as Lord Danzo wished and offer him a chance to join 'Root'. He will develop immensly in 'Root'.' Shin thought back to the time he wrote the report about the Uchiha students in the Academy. Although impressive, he hadn't expected Lord Danzo himself to express interest in the boy.

"What about you Gin?" Spoke, Shin lazily, carefully concealing his hidden motives.

Gin seemed to ponder before replying. "Yes, I want to graduate."

"Alright then. Here you go." Spoke Shin, as he withdrew two foreband protectors from his pocket and handed one to each. "Congratulations, both of you are officially ninja of the leaf."

Gin stared at the forehead protector, and at the symbol of the leaf engraved on it.

Kakashi quickly left to show his father the forehead protector and relay the good news. Leaving Gin and Shin alone in the classroom.

"Gin, have you decided what you are going to do?" Asked Shin, lazily while chewing on a straw.

"What do you mean, sensei?" Gin asked, with a smile and half-closed eyes.

'...That smile again. It makes me feel uneasy...Just what am I doing. He's a kid, I'm obviously overthinking this.' Shin shook his head before speaking. "I meant, as in are you going to join the Konoha Military Police Force, like most Uchihas, or try for the normal Jonin force, or even apply for an Anbu post. You have many options."

'What organization....? But why is he asking me this? Is it because I'm an Uchiha or does he have an ulterior motive?' Gin smiled as he replied. "I haven't yet decided. Any recommendations? Afterall sensei would know better."

'Hmm....Could he be hinting that he knows my affiliation to 'Root'? But only a select few upper officals know about the existence of 'Root'. It is an organization of utmost secrecy. No it's impossible that a child will know of it's existence. I'm overthinking again.' Shin knew one thing for sure, and that was that the child in front of him was definitely not ordinary, as he seemed to be. "I work for a secret organization, similar to that of 'Anbu, called 'Root'. The only reason I'm telling you about the existence of 'Root', is so that I can offer you an oppurtunity to join our ranks. I will naturally provide you with more information if you choose to join our ranks."

'What? He wants me to join something called 'Root'. This organization was not found in a single book about Konohagakure....could it be the organization that man is part of? But why invite me, I've done nothing to gain their attention? Why not invite Kakashi? Judging from all this, they must know that I'm able to perform 'Fire Style: Greater Fireball Technique'. I found out that being able to perform the jutsu three times also means that I have significantly higher chakra reserves as compared to my peers. That is the only thing I've done secretly, which means someone is spying on me.' Gin, quickly came to a conclusion from everything, and nearly all of his questions were asnwered in a second. Gin afterall was an extremely perceptive individual, able to notice even minute of details.

"Shin-sensei, I will join 'Root'. It would be an honor to serve Konohagakure from the 'Root'." Replied Gin, with his smile. 'Grandma will be upset that I didn't consult her, and Obito will probably die with jealousy.'

'What? He was manipulated with a few words? Guess I gave him too much credit earlier.' Shin's uneasiness quickly melted away seeing Gin act like normal hot-blooded child. "Very well then. Meet me here tomorrow before class starts. I will personally take you to our headquaters."

"Yes, sensei." Smiled Gin.

"Also remember, no one is to know your affiliation to our group." Spoke Shin, sternly.

"Can I tell my Grandma and brother?" Inquired Gin, still wearing that smile.

"Don't worry about them. I will be writing them a letter. You just need to play along." Shin spoke, completely throwing away his lazy facade.

"Alright." Smiled Gin before departing. 'Things are finally getting and schemes are my speciality after all.'

A wide grin appeared on Gin's face. This was different from his usual smile. This smile represented his true emotions. Whether that emotion was malice or happiness, we would never know.



"Well done Sasori. the puppets you made are wonderful." An old lady spoke, ruffling the red hair of a child, roughly ten years old. 'He has great perception, being able to think beyond the realms of what is necessary and creating what it needs. He's constantly thinking of different ways to improve the puppet.'

Beside the child, was a wooden puppet with features and size identical to that of a human.

Hearing this a small blush appeared on the child's face as he replied. "Thank you grandma, Chiyo."

"Tomorrow onwards I'll teach you how to make stronger puppets." smiled the old lady, Chiyo.

"..." The red haired youth, Sasori, didn't reply. He seemed to want to say something but was unable to do so.

"What is it Sasori?" Asked the old lady Chiyo, with a saddened expression. 'I know what it is.'

"Grandma....when are my parents coming back..?" Asked Sasori. He knew full well that everytime he asked this question, his Grandma would change the subject.

"..Sasori...they aren't coming back." The old lady, pulled Sasori into an embrace.

"Are they dead?" Asked Sasori, barely familiar with the concept of death, on the verge of tears.

"Yes, they are in Heaven watching over you.." The old lady Chiyo's eyes narrowed, as she thought about her child.

'Sakumo Hatake...I will kill you.....I will destroy konoha.' Old Lady Chiyo hatred for the 'White Fang' seemed to seep into her bones. She hated him for leaving her childless, and her grandchild parentless.



A white haired man, with his hair in a ponytail sat on the veranda of his house gazing into the empty space in front of him. Despite having white hair, this man seemed to be in the prime of his life. He was Konoha's legendary White Fang, Sakumo Hatake.

"Dad." A loud voice, awoke Sakumo from his stupor, and bought him back to reality.

Truning around he looked at his masked son running towards him and asked. "What is it Kakashi?"

"Dad, I became a Genin." Kakashi exclaimed proudly, pointing towards the forehead protector he wore on his head.

"What? I'm proud of you of son." Spoke Sakumo, giving his son a kind smile.

"Hmph, I've left everyone behind in the dust. Only me and Gin were allowed to become Genin." He spoke arrogantly.

"I am very proud of you son, but you must not let this get to your head. You must work even harder. I've seen how hard that boy Guy, trains. If you slack off, he may became stronger than you." Sakumo spoke a few words of encouragement, to prevent these accomplishments from making his son complacent.

"Yes, dad. I'll work even harder." Kakashi, respected his father deeply, and revered his status as Konoha's legendary 'White Fang'. 'Dad is right. I have to work even harder. Afterall even Gin was selected to a Genin. I must be the best.'

'I can't tell him the cruelties of war...I can't tell him that I don't want him to become a ninja.....I can't tell him that I'm sick and tired of the fighting.....I can't tell him that the people I kill have families back home just like me..' Sakumo smiled, hiding his misery and sorrow deep inside his heart.
