The Most Powerful Cultivation Method

When Qing Yue entered Guest Pavilion where Raynor is living, the the the first thing she noticed was a big wolf resting under a tree, she never saw one before as she never left the city, apart from one visit to Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace where she got accepted as a disciple.

Looking away from the beast she started to look for Raynor, looking around she saw him in Pavilion corner inscribing runes into wall, Qing Yue started walking towards him.

Before she could approach him, he spoke first" How was your day, Qingyue?"

"... it was alright... " she stood just little bit behind him, as she watched him writing something so profound she couldn't make heads or tails what these letters mean, instead she is more interested how he reached Eight of Spirit Profound!

"...What about yours?..."

"It was alright found some herbs and iron ore, beaten up few packs of wolfs, got alpha wolf for myself." she listened, yet he didn't mention anything about his cultivation.

"... And your cultivation? Yours is borderline strongest in this city already!... " Qingyue said with little bit annoyance in her voice.

"Yeah... increased by 7 levels... not bad, I suppose... tomorrow I should breakthrough into Earth Profound...." After finishing writing on the wall, he started walking towards another corner, Qingyue, of course, followed him, there was resolution in her eyes.

"Raynor... can I ask something of you?" he stopped writing and turned around to look at her

"Yeah sure, what is it?"

"Can you train me?" she asked him softly, her cheeks were a little bit pink as it was embarrassing for her to ask.

He looked at her with confusion "Yeah sure, I would have done it anyway... since in 'that' place you would die easily with anything below divine origin realm, but why are you asking me this? you have your master no?" she nodded at his question.

"I do... but if I stay in my sect with my best luck I could only reach Monarch at very best!" He sighed hearing that.

"Very well I can help you reach very peak Qingyue but there is the price, Any technique bestowed by me will make you big target anywhere in this universe." she simply gave a very small smile and walked very close to him, Qingyue could see he was blushing when she was that close to him and she herself was trying not to blush.

"... it's a good thing I will be your Wife no? , I am not planning to go anywhere until you take me to the realm of gods..." She said while her cold hand stroked his cheek, Raynor grimaced when she said 'wife'.

"Are you sure ?" Her eyes narrowed when he asked her.

"I am sure... and your actions today solidified that, and I am taking the next step... " Raynor eyes widened, then he took a deep breath.

"Are sure we are... 15 year old... isn't it too early?" He said trying to sound reasonable, she simply smiled at him.

"I am already at marriageable age Raynor, so we can get married now...! " she said with a very small smile which made Raynor swear, he only been here for 2 days! Less than 48 hours! And now he is getting pushed to get married !!!

"What your Father going to say Qingyue! We CAN'T just get married like that! " Qingyue face darken, what he said is true, but in this situation she would pick Raynor over her Fiancé any time of day.

"Raynor I want to get my mother back! And I am willing to do anything! " Raynor had a complicated look, but decided simply tell her.

"Qingyue you have to look from your mother's perspective as well... She is the reason you want to go 'there' correct? " she nodded, and Raynor continued " people in god realms live for tens of thousands of years... there is a possibility that she already has a family... " He decided to drop a bombshell, which made Qingyue eyes widen as she never thought of that!

"You may be right, but I can't give up! Whatever you going to teach me or give me... there is only one way for me to pay back... and I don't like having debts " Raynor looked at her eye, he saw resolve and then he gave up, he wasn't playing of marrying any time soon, matter of fact he doesn't even have proper female friends before coming here...

And now with this power, he can travel anywhere and there are several girls which he wouldn't mind marrying at this very moment... and the one in front of him is included in that list now...

"Very well, since you are so determent, but let's get everything we can from this situation..." he smiled at her which made her shiver.

He saw her listening, and she was extremely embarrassed, so was he, but he is pushing this back of his head, he got himself together and asked.

"Dual Cultivation... you heard of it?" her cheeks turned red instantly, her voice was like that of mosquito.

"...yes I have heard of it..." since she was smaller than him, she hid under his chin as she leaned on him.

"It will help you immensely, maybe even improve my cultivation... but first I need is your cultivation method, I am going to use it as foundation base and then add my own stuff on it, so as you start cultivating this new technique your old one is going to get absorbed."

She nodded, and recited the profound mantra of Frozen Cloud Arts, If any Frozen Cloud Fairy saw what she did... she would be severely punished.

Once Raynor recited himself and engraved in the back of his sub-consciousness, then he moved to sit in the lotus position under a tree not far from his wolf, Qingyue closely observed him she never saw anyone create Profound arts before! So she is quite intrigued by how it's going to work.

~~~~~~With Raynor...~~~~~~

Raynor dived into his mind, and looked at Frozen Cloud Art mantra, to him who had three god experiences this cultivation method looked like a very crude tool, he already knew that its much more lesser version of Ice Phoenix techniques

So what he did was he broke techniques apart and then started mind acceleration, what he found is that these eight stages are actually profound moves, and not cultivation techniques, so what he did was he had to create cultivation method first, it's good to think he has countless support techniques, which he could base them on...

[Thus most powerful Cultivation technique was born!]

Primordial Art of Heavenly Dancing Dragons!

First Stage: Primordial foundation

Converts all of the profound energy into Primordial energy, inscribes technique how to cultivate one's soul into sub-consciousness, this cultivation technique would be unable to cultivate unless all 54 profound entrances are open, it's one of the traps Raynor made just in case someone stole this cultivation method from him.

Second Stage: Inner understanding

Once this stage is fully mastered, understanding Laws becomes much easier especially Yin and Yang, this stage holds a trap especially for obsessive cultivators, as the title of stage says one has to have an inner understanding of himself... as in the end no matter what stage you are... you still human... a very hypocritical view, in end this cultivation method is meant for Raynor and whatever he choices to bestow...

Third Stage: Domain manifestation

If this stage is fully mastered before reaching Emperor Profound, ones can enter into Emperor profound automatically even if he is at Elemental Profound, unlike regular Domain of Emperor Profound, this Domain will be infused with laws, meaning that it can fight people at Sovereign Profound, Raynor based this from one of his favourite anime Fate UBW, Archer is to cool not to have power based on his UBW.

Four Stage: Soul Dragonfication

If This stage is fully mastered before reaching Divine Soul realm, ones can enter into Divine Soul realm automatically even if he is at Emperor Profound, this stage dramatically empowers persons soul, cultivators call it soul deification, abandoning mortal shackles and stepping into the divine soul!

Fifth Stage: Seed of Laws Creation

Once this stage mastered, a seed of pure law energy will be created in one dantian, improving one comprehension of laws even further.

Sixth Stage: I am a Dragon and Dragon is me

By combining ones soul, law seed, and one body creating a body of Human with the power of Primordial Dragon, as well as Yin/Yang dragon manifestation, and entry into the Divine Master realm.

Seven stage: Yin and Yang, Life and Death

This stage is the last stage and once mastered person automatically enters True God realm, as the title says it's only possible if a person fully mastered Yin and Yang Laws as well as Life and Death, with eternity at hand other laws mastering is child plays.

As this cultivation method is Dual type, male cultivates laws of Yang and its relates laws like life, fire, light, physical body, and females cultivates Yin and its related laws of death, water, darkness, soul.

But the best thing is when 'union' happens And Yin and Yang is exchanged their laws and understanding of them as well.

Another thing Raynor added to this cultivation method is that only Male and can give this cultivation method to female, as it was created by him only he can share it since this method is severely broken and absolute cheat in the cultivation world, he made sure that females WILL fall in love with Yang Cultivator of this method, and obey him... he doesn't want Goddesses running around and creating her own empires somewhere in Primal Chaos Universe

It maybe sounds like brainwashing but he is making them into real goddesses so its fair exchange.

When Raynor opened his Eyes he saw Qingyue was walking towards him, only 2 seconds passed in the real world while for Raynor it was several hours maybe even few days inside his own mind.

"... Raynor is everything alright?" Qingyue asked with little worry In her voice he smiled at her.

"Everything is okay Qingyue, I just finished making it! , let me finish the formation and then I will give it to you... " She blinked at him trying to process what he said.

"How?... you only closed your eyes for two seconds!" she tried to comprehend how this happened! She even closely observed him!

"Mental acceleration Qingyue... That means I was away for... I think several hours to several days... " he got up from his spot and took few steps, standing in front of her, her cheeks got red just from his smirk.

"I see that's... very convenient technique... " he nodded, then took another step and wrapped his hands around her waist, it was the first time he did anything like that, so it was very comfortable, while Qingyue didn't resist, she simply leaned on his chest, his Primordial energy made her feel warm.

"Let me finish the formation then I will share the cultivation technique " he released her from his hold and walked towards one of the corners and started writing, Qingyue followed after him, and simply waited until he will finish.

Half an hour later Qingyue stared at the runic circle in the middle of the pavilion, she never saw such profound formation before it looked almost magical like.

"... what is this? I can feel some sort of ancient power in the middle of it? It's really hard to describe..." Raynor nodded at her assessment

"This is nexus of formations I left in the mountain in the East of the city, basically there are formations and relays in mountains which gather Profound energy and send it here, since I already used it doesn't have much energy, BUT I put some amplifiers along the way, So there is quite of energy there right now... " Qingyue closely listened to his explanation, she was amazed that this formation gathered this much energy as she can feel its growing little by little

"Alright so listen what am going to do... " she looked at Raynor like student listening to her Teacher or Master.

"First I am going to open all of your profound entrances which will remove limiters or how cultivators call bottlenecks, thus giving you limitless potential ... " her eyes already widened, its already incredible gift!

"Once they are open, I will give the cultivation technique once you have it, enter that formation circle and start cultivating reach first stage of it, then we can start what you wanted to do..." he said with a smirk which made her blush, she knows very well what he meant!

Raynor got close to her again, this time one hand held her waist another hand her chin, Qingyue realised what he is planning to do, and she didn't resist, slowly their lips meet and they kiss at first it was a simple kiss but soon it evolved, and Qing Yue felt very power and dense energy enter her body as it started to circulate in her profound veins, then she felt much lighter, passion and lust started to spread through her body, but then kissing stopped as Raynor released her

Her mind was filled with lust that she didn't realise that she has a new cultivation method in her mind, as well as an increase in her cultivation

"You look very beautiful with that look... " she snapped out and quickly went to hide her face under his chin.

"...shut up..." he grinned at her tsundere response.

"Just check your cultivation and technique I gave you..." she nodded, and Raynor waited for her response, suddenly he felt her turn stiff

"Qingyue, you ok?" Raynor lifted her chin and looked at her, her expression amused him.

"Raynor...this....this...this how? There has to be drawbacks there is no way to godhood is that easy!" Qing Yue was in such shock that she can barely properly speak! , she just good most powerful cultivation method in existence, she can barely wrap her head around this!!!

"There are drawbacks of course ! " she instantly started to listen "First ones has to have is 54 profound entrances opened! Second is one has to have a complete understanding of himself! Its a trap for arrogant cultivators when they believe that they are kings under the heaven, and the last one is once you start cultivating this you will be attracted to your techniques counterpart " Qingyue instantly understood, since its Dual cultivation technique at its core, she will be attracted to her counterpart.

Qingyue looked at Raynor eyes he was serious, he decided to ask.

"Are you willing now? After you start there is no going back... " this time she actually snorted at his question.

"Too late to ask that Raynor... " she gave a quick peck on his cheek and went to formation centre and sat down in lotus position she started to cultivate according to his technique.

Raynor looked at Raven head girl and sighed " truly she didn't even care about consequences... well My gain! " Raynor dropped into lotus position himself and started to cultivated Yang side of Primordial art of heavenly dancing dragons, everyone knows what dancing means!!!

Raynor quickly got down the first stage, as well as second, he stopped here, since he is going to wait for Qingyue... What amazed him is that he entered into Earth Profound 1 and his Profound Veins got thicker, when he looked at the girl in the middle of Formation he noticed that her profound strength started to grown since she mastered the first step and Primordial energy started to take over her profound energy

"She really is a genius, her glass heart is insanely broken and with exquisite body she is monster ready to be awakened and, she is my girl!" Raynor grinned at this and his Otaku side is patting his shoulder in happiness.

He was closely observing her, not only she is using his technique, she is the second person to use Primordial energy since the age of gods which ended a long time ago.

Raynor noticed a thin layer of golden-green primordial energy appear around her as started something similar to metamorphosis.

'She is becoming even prettier! Did the same happen to me?'

Then he noticed her cultivation stopping at Seventh of Spirit Profound.

She slowly opened her eyes and looked at her hand in shock, as her hand was shaking, as she couldn't believe how much she progressed in a matter of minutes, she progressed through 22 small realms !!! That's two years of cultivation if she progressed in her old speed!

Tears started to gather, she felt like she made actual progress towards her goal! Her eyes slowly moved from her hand towards man which made this possible, when she saw him she felt a massive pull towards him, her heart start to beat faster and she felt her womanhood getting wet.

'So this is the downside of this method... it's more than acceptable... ' she snorted thinking this is a downside, she got up from her meditation position and started walking towards him.

When Raynor noticed Qingyue standing up walking towards him, the first thing he saw different was her eyes which turned golden with blue dragon slit, and he felt lust building up inside of her.

"Well? What do you think?" He didn't receive an answer as she jumped on him, her legs and arms wrapped around him, she started greedily kissing him, lust was rolling in waves from her

"Well someone is greedy " he was able to say after finishing long kisses.

"Raynor lets do it, I need to reward you for all your hard work!" she said with a sultry voice, she made Raynor almost snap, he never expected such expression from her.

"Very well..." He started walking towards his house with her in his hands.