ATG Cultivation Levels

ATG Cultivation Realms...

[Nine Mortal Realms]

Elementary Profound Realm

Nascent Profound Realm [ Profound Strength begins to develop]

True Profound Realm

Spirit Profound Realm

Earth Profound Realm [Lifespan of 150 years year's]

Sky Profound Realm [Ability to Fly]

Emperor Profound Realm [Throne] Lifespan of 500 years, ability to use 'Domain'

Tyrant Profound Realm [Overlord] Lifespan of 1000 years.

Sovereign Profound Realm [Monarch] Lifespan of 2000 years.

[Seven Divine Realms]

Divine Origin Realm [Profound God] Lifespan of 10000 years and vital energy deification.

Divine Soul Realm [Soul Deification]

Divine Tribulation Realm

Divine Spirit Realm [Spirit Deification]

Divine King Realm

Divine Sovereign Realm

Divine Master Realm [Lifespan of 50000 years] ability to use 'God Manifestation Art'

[True God Stage from The Ancient Era]

Divine Extinction Realm [Half-Step into True God]

True God Realm [Lifespan above one Billion]

Creation God Realm [Only Eight Beings reached this realm.]

Ancestral God Realm

ATG power scaling will be used quite a lot throughout my novel...

As MC main power is that of cultivation and it's Primordial Energy, his harem members, as well as friends, will be trained in Profound way...